Hint of Hustle with Heather Sager

When can I start speaking on stages?

March 21, 2022 Heather Sager Episode 141
Hint of Hustle with Heather Sager
When can I start speaking on stages?
Show Notes Transcript

If you’ve felt the pull to share your story in a bigger way from stages, the question is when is the right time to get serious about it?

If you’re like most business owners, you have a list, a mile long filled with competing priorities– many of which are on the “do it now” list, so “speaking on stages” just doesn’t feel urgent.

But what if I told you that speaking on stages is something that can happen much sooner than you think? And what if I told you that the #1 regret my private clients have is not preparing for big stage moments sooner? What if I told you that by taking steps now to speak on stages, you would actually improve other areas of your business?

This is what we’re going to explore in today’s episode. I’ll share when to start getting serious with pursuing stages. Spoiler – the sooner you START, the sooner you'll get good at it. 

And when you have the skills to command a stage, it makes micro moments like selling, recording videos or going live, far less stressful and more impactful.


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Well, hey, friend, welcome back to another episode. Today we are diving into the topic of when's the right time for you to get real serious about speaking on stages. You know, if you're listening to this show, you probably have a goal to speak on some kind of stage in your business, most likely you're feeling this deep pull within you which sounds super cheesy to say, but I hear so many entrepreneurs I work with when I travel around at events, when I network with people inside groups, you know a lot of that stuff that happened before. We all lived in our houses and never left. Every time I talk to an entrepreneur, I swore eight out of 10 times when I talk to someone and I tell them what I do. I'm a speaking coach for business owners, they tell me, oh, I love to speak on stages. 

And my favorite moment is when an entrepreneur shares it so unapologetically, like I am meant to be on stage, I wanted to be on stage, I want to be in the spotlight, I want to be sharing my story, I want to be making an impact. And I love, love hearing that because I think a lot of times, especially as women, we hold back because we don't want to be viewed as we're seeking attention or being the center of attention, or it's all about me. And I actually think that when you feel called to share your story with the world, whatever that world looks like, maybe in a little corner of the internet, or it's a group of people at a conference or it's on a much bigger stage when you feel that call, it's for a reason. And whatever you believe in, I mean, tap into that. But if you're feeling that at all, there's something there and I want you to lean into it and be unapologetic for it and say, what am I waiting for? That's the big conversation we're going to have today. I'm going to give you some considerations to think about also some rear view reflections from my clients around what they wish they would have done differently. 


Full disclaimer, you know, I keep it real on the show. This is the second pass at me recording this episode. I recorded the first seven minutes without looking at my screen and I realized that my microphone was muted the entire time. But it gave me a good chance to practice and warm up my voice which is, I mean super fun, hopefully. Look, is it my voice wonderful right now? You're welcome. I did a warm up. Okay, so here we go. So at the time we're recording this episode, by we, I mean, me. I'm sitting in my office. I just wrapped up a three part workshop series, a training with the people who enrolled in my speaking workshops. It was the first time I've ever done the paid workshop series. It's totally new for me. I brought out new content. We had, let me look at the board. I think 55, 55 people enrolled in the speaking workshops which was exciting. It was energetic and fun, and I wanted to share with you a couple things. 


For the last now, we're going on my fourth year here, but yeah, I'm going on my fourth year here in business. I've had the chance to work with a lot of business owners and I typically only work with people and either inside my program, Speak up to Level up or my one on one clients who typically book me what I'd say like Olivia Pope scandal style, which is, not that there is a scandal. It's that they call me when Holy crap, Heather, I booked this really big stage and I need to make the most of this moment. So people call me when they booked Amy Porterfield stage. I had my client Melissa called me when she got booked out one of the top conferences in her industry with 6,000 people in the audience. This people call me when there's a big moment. My client, Natalie, when she was speaking at the lady's TEDx event. I'm the gal you call when you have your big onstage moment. It's my one on one and my one on one is not cheap to work with me. I only work with a handful of people. And these days, most time I work with clients as you fly to Portland and work with me in person and then we do Voxer afterwards. 


But I wanted to have a different way to be able to go deeper with you, with my audience and talk about some of the nuances around speaking because speaking isn't just being on stage in that one big moment. In fact, we use our voices in so many different ways in our business that we don't even realize. So I wanted to have something that went more in depth than a masterclass but it wasn't as long or hand holding or in depth as my programs, Speak up to Level up. I wanted to have a little, a quick win and I guess three workshops over two weeks isn't really, it's quick in the grand scheme of things. Anyways, we just wrapped the workshops, and it was so fun. We're definitely going to do them again, they'll be back this September. So if you missed them, or you came and you want to jump back in, we'll be coming back for those in September. But I wanted to share this idea I love when I'm talking with entrepreneurs and as I mentioned, they're so excited at the concept of speaking on stages. And that's what I wanted to tap into today because I always wonder if this is such a pull, why don't more people do it now?


And I wanted to dig into that because there's actually a lot of reasons why people don't pursue speaking on stages now. Some of them are valid, some of them are stories we tell ourselves in our head. But I want to unpack that and really encourage you to set an intention for when you are going to get serious about speaking on stages, if that is a dream of yours. If you have no interest in speaking on stages, I mean, you might want to skip to a different episode. But this one's really here for the person who says I want to speak someday on a big stage. 


Now back to my Olivia Pope moment. One of the things I always ask clients when we're working together on their big stage moments has come man, what do you wish? What do you wish you would have done differently? And I typically ask them this after they finished their talk which they're on cloud nine, they love it, they're so happy. And the theme that I get back from people is they wish they wouldn't have waited to build that talk until that moment. And what I mean by that is most of the clients I'm working with, I'm helping them structure what becomes their signature talk. It's not always their like story of origin. The origin stories, most people call it signature stories. Most of my clients that I work with one on one already have their quote-unquote, origin story. So I work with them on telling core stories that become part of their go-to toolkit, and we tell some really good stories, but I help them pull out really good stories that fit with their core content, and then come alive on stage with the right content that really serves the audience where they are and moves them into action. 


And I always hear from them, I wish I would have worked with a professional and got my speaking like toolkit done sooner. You see most of the people who hire me one on one is they have been in business for a while, they have trudged through it, they have just said yes, grit their teeth and just speaking opportunity after speaking opportunities, said yes, yes, yes showing up and they kind of by happenstance figured out what worked and they told me like, Man, I wish I would have brought in outside help because man, not only what I what I have enjoyed the process a little bit more, but two, what I always hear is because of the little bit of a stress that comes right when you're doing the 11th hour presentation creation if you do that kind of thing. Raise my hand. Guilty. We all do that. Okay, we all do that. Let's just throw that out there. It's gonna happen sometimes. But when you wait, let's say this. Let's say tomorrow, Amy Porterfield calls and says, Hey, I'd love for you to speak on My Entrepreneur Experience stage, or had James Wedmore call and says, Hey, II have a panel open up for you to speak at Business by Design Live which side note that happened to me and I had about 12 hours notice.


Here's the thing. If you recalled tomorrow for one of the dream stages on your list, would you be ready? And what I find interesting is with my private clients, they rose to the occasion. They said, yes, they hired a coach, we went all in, we did it. But the challenge was, they would have enjoyed the experience even more, they would have been able to be more present had they not had to focus so hard on remembering all the content. And maybe that's a little, maybe that's the thing I'm not supposed to say, but I am gonna say it because it's what they tell me. I wish I would have done this a little bit earlier. Now what happens, I'm gonna imagine here for a moment with you is let's say you get a call tomorrow for one of your dream stream stages. And let's say you have a week, they say we have an opening at this really big event or on this podcast or whatever one of your dream stages is and they ask you to fill that hole. I giggle it's like when somebody says do you. And you giggle okay, this is where you take a left turn remembering that like. I am professional and polish when I speak but also I talk like a teenage boy evidently, okay. 


So they call and ask you to fill the hole in their lineup, and I would imagine you're gonna approach it in a couple different ways because what I see happen all the time when people say that they want to speak on stages is how they handle it. Number one, I tell you, the majority of the population will ghost the person, They will ghost them. They will either initially express their interest and excitement. They'll put on their to-do list and then they'll sit back down, maybe they have the assignment of like sent us over what you think you'd talk about, or there was some kind of follow up. And they would sit in front of the computer and start working on it but their fear and their internal self talk would take over and they couldn't figure out what they would talk about what they would say they couldn't write the description, they couldn't put the proposal, they were playing with Canva templates,. They would just procrastinate, procrastinate, procrastinate, and either ghost them or bow out gracefully. 


That happens. I'm gonna make up the statistic here. I'm say half the people would do that. I just over and over and over again I hear this so many times with business owners is when an opportunity lands in their lap it logically they should take it but they find a way to get out of it. In fact, one of my Speak Up to Level up member, Tracy, I can't believe, she was so funny. She told me this. She goes, I used to have people reach out to me all the time to guest speak in their group or be on their podcast and I was so deathly afraid of it that I would tell him like oh, I'm sorry. I can't my dog naps at that time. Oh, it's just made me laugh. And also really, it's sad. But it's the thing, is if the opportunity land in your lap, perfect dream opportunity, dream audience, would you ghost it? And if you wouldn't go straight would you procrastinate to the point where you by default ghosted it. 


Not gonna lie. I have done that y'all. I have done that. Maybe not with specifically with speaking but in other areas of my life or business so that's one way to approach it. Another way that I see people approach it is that they would say yes, but then they would stress over it, meaning everything else in their life in business would have to go on pause, because they have to put all their energy into it. So everything else stops, social media stops, the email stops, everything stops or family life has sacrificed. Have you ever had this happen before? As for me, as if I had a really big project or deadline and I didn't allocate the proper amount of time to it, the nights leading up to that thing, I would be up until midnight, two, three, sometimes four in the morning getting those things done because I always said I'm an 11th hour kind of gal. Well, that's not, it's not helpful. But the thing is, is when we say yes, but we stress over it to get it done, when we show up as much as we can wear that badge of honor of being the 11th hour kind of gal. If we're being real honest with ourselves, we are not bringing our best us or our best content. Because we can't be intentional and creative and inspiring in our content creation process if we are stressed on a deadline. It just does not work. 


So that might be how you would approach that opportunity which would work right but most likely you would be stressed out about the experience so the experience itself would be not as glitzy and glamorous as you would want it to be. You wouldn't able to enjoy as much. Now a third way you could approach it is say yes, and you could totally rock it. And I see this happens all the time. I'm really good at this, full disclaimer. Say yes rock it. You could plan and prep, whatever however you show up and you could do a really great job and what I see happen is for someone who identifies, be a self identified winging it gal, which this is me in a lot of areas when it comes to speaking of showing up and being really good at quote-unquote winging it. Note, disclaimer, the reason why I'm good at winging it because I know my messaging, I have a signature talk, and I know what I'm talking about, so I can get away with it in some degrees. 


But the thing that we have to remember is when we show up and winging it, what I hear over and over and over again, from business owners is what they tell me when that happens. There is this voice of regret. And this voice of questioning that comes in after the presentation, or even just before who's saying like, you should have practice. There you go again, the 11th hour, oh, there's no typos. Or going, I wish I wouldn't be able to done this. Oh, if I would have just had more time. Oh, man, I wish I would have pulled in some testimonials or some stories, or I should have, I would have, man, all of that second guessing. Speaker's remorse, I'll call it. 


Now here's the thing. I read this quote, and I don't remember the direct quote. I don't have the book in front of me. But I'm rereading a really great book by Judy Holler. She was on the podcast. Oh man in 2020, I'll link back to it. It was in Episode 30, something. I'll linked it here. But we talked about how fear, how your fear be your friend. And she wrote a book called Fear is my Homeboy. And in the book she talks about, she's a public speaker. She's an incredible speaker and author. And she talks up and she oh, she does improv. That's her big thing is like leaning into improv, which is a terrifying thing in general. She was trained at Second City Theater in Chicago. 

Anyways, we talked about a lot of things. But in her book, this quote came up this morning. Something along the lines of, she says that when it comes to speaking, public speaking, that practice and rehearsal is all about showing respect to your audience, that when you don't practice, when you don't rehearse, when you don't put time and attention into it, you're not showing the professionalism that your audience deserves. And that really hit me in the gut, because I thought like, oh, yeah, like, yes even for someone who does public speaking for a living, and for someone who teaches it. We always need to have that reminder and say, okay, how do we show up professional? How do we treat what we're doing at a professional level? 


Speaking of books, y'all know, I read a lot, I read a ton of books, I just finished the The War of Art by Steven Pressfield earlier this week and he was talking about in the book is all about resistance, right? It's the concept is you have writer's block and that's really resistance. And resistance is a real B and it's actually these things like telling you that if you're experiencing resistance means you need to be doing the thing. But he talks about that, too. It's like honoring the process, honoring the resistance, but really showing respect for your work. I don't remember what the, there was a thought I had that I wanted to circle back around speaking of winging it, here we go. I don't remember what that is. But back to my line of thought here is if you have any desire to speak on a stage, I want you to seriously consider starting now. Starting the prep now because it's more than just a moment. It's more than just the moment when you get there, when you get that opportunity. Either you pitch it, you land it, they ask you, whatever that looks like, whenever that opportunity comes, I don't want you just to like, oh, get it, I want you to experience it. I want you to own it. I want you to feel proud of it. I want you to be present in it. 


One of the most important ingredients of my magnetic talk formula is the ability to be present in your delivery. And if you are obsessed over getting your content right, or remembering the right structure of question when ask or the story or what part comes next. If you're focused on that you're not focused on the serendipitous nature of audience engagement and the reaction and your ability to move a room. And that might seem serious and maybe you're thinking like cool. Maybe some of you, friend, like oh, yeah, I'm good with that. I'm good with the room energy. Others are like, how the hell do you move a room? You'll get there. But if you want to speak on stages, you have to understand there's an art and a science about it. And it's up to you to unlock and discover what that means for you and your own personal style. 


So I have three big reasons why I think you should seriously can be considering getting ready for your stage moment now, because I'll tell you, it's gonna happen sooner than you think. It might not be that big dream stage or after but if you start putting yourself in play, if you get in the game, set the intention and say I'm the kind of person who speaks on stages. If you start writing down every single day in your journal, I get paid $10,000 to speak on stage, whatever your goal is, right, throw down the thing. But start declaring that as who you are, you'll start noticing you show up differently. And you'll be pleasantly surprised to see that opportunities for stages of all types can come your way. 


So here's three advantages, three benefits that are happening for you and your business when you make the choice to start getting serious about speaking on stages. Number one, you get to fine tune your message, whether that's you sharing your personal story, whether that's you sharing your expertise, whether you have a specific core message you want to share with an audience, or you have products or programs that you want to pull people into. The thing is the idea that you have right now and the way you talk about it is going to evolve. You'll have better stories, you'll find better ways to say it, you'll find better ways to engage based around the questions people ask. Your message is going to morph. And it should, over time, but you have to give your opportunities, you set yourself the opportunity to get it out and start fine tuning it. Number one, like that is you have to start getting yourself out in play. 


Now remember, when I say on stage, I'm not just talking about an event conference stage. As an online business owner, a stage is simply a platform to share your message. There are stages available for you all right now. So you can do live on Facebook, you can be a guest on podcast, you can be speaking at virtual summits, you can guest speaking in peoples groups, you can be speaking to your own audience, your own clients, your own events. There's all these different things here. And you being able to show up on these stages to fine tune your message will only allow you to make your business stronger. You have to put in the  reps if you want to become better at speaking, better at storytelling, better at owning a stage. It will happen but you have to give yourself the opportunities to fine tune your message, to fine tune your delivery, and so forth. So nobody can do the reps for you. You have to do them yourself. But I say advantage number one, just look at it as it's going to give me the chance to make my message better so that when you get that big stage moment that your hearts really after you will be ready for it, You will be at the caliber to rock that stage. 


The second reason I think it is so important for you to start taking seriously your desire to get on stages now is your delivery skills. Alright, spoiler maybe some tough love here, y'all. But whenever I teach a workshop or work with business owners and I asked them to evaluate where they are in certain areas, right? We talk about the results they're getting from their speaking efforts, we talk about their message with the messages landing, we talk about their storytelling skills, speaking on camera versus speaking on stages, I asked them a variety of things. And oh, how do I say this kindly. Y'all, most people overestimate their own delivery skills. What I mean by that is most people think they're more charming, more charismatic, more dynamic than they actually are when they present. And I say this with all the love in the world. This was something I struggled with. I thought I was so dynamic and charismatic and then one day I watched a tape and I was like, what the hell am I do with my hand? 


Most people are unwilling to watch their own game tapes. They're so used to the experience coming from their own eyes. What they feel in their own body, the energy, all that bubbling up that they feel they think that's what's coming out. But what's coming out is it's kind of a bland note. And I hate, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, y'all, but your delivery skills are so freaking important. Think about any of the great influencers that you follow online. I think Jasmine Star comes to mind. She's a fast talker, and she spits fire and she's got the energy and she preaches like her sister who's literally a preacher. And it's kind of funny, right? Think about like Brendon Burchard with the energy that he brings on stage. It's like literally jumping, dancing his full body when he tells stories. The people who really captivate our attention, they have mastered delivery skills. It is an art for sure and you have to get better. Imagine you are learning how to play the clarinet. You can't be good the first time you pick up the instrument and what I joked I use this metaphor earlier today. You know a kid learning how to play the recorder. It either sounds terrible because they don't even know what they're doing or it's hot cross buns on loop until you die, the same three notes. 


And what I'm going to tell you is you're most likely like the kid who's like making noises all over the place, right? You know how to play some notes. But I would challenge you to get real with yourself and say are you playing hot cross buns over and over and over again with how you deliver meaning you don't do more than what just naturally flies out of your hands with your gestures. You use the same intonation with your voice, You don't really vary up the speed or the volume or maybe you are really bringing the filler words to the party, whatever that looks like if you are on a sequence of hot cross buns over and over and over again, if you cannot command energy from a virtual or live stage, you are going to find it seriously challenging to command a fee when you speak, or to land, that big stage. Delivery skills are going to take you time to learn just like learning any skill and you have to start practicing. The faster you get serious about learning those skills, the easier those skills and the more natural they will become to you. 


I was telling those inside my speaking workshops. Today we did some activities around vocal exercises. And I was sharing with them because we talked about my really intentional hand gestures. I use hand gestures all the time. And, for example, one of the things you'll notice me do is anytime I say like insinuate that I want you to think about something, I'll actually touch my temple, and then touch and then point out. So like I say, think I tapped my template point out. That's something that I intentionally learned to do for a very specific reason years ago and now when I say the word think, or I'm mentioning, think about it or anything to do with like brain consider anything like that, I touch my temple, and it is a visual cue that I do on autopilot. My delivery skills, how I speak where I pause, my intonation, even what I'm doing right now with my voice with my pace. I am shaping and moving my words and the cadence of this conversation in a way that is so intentional, but is so on autopilot. Right now the way that I speak, the way that I use my hands, the way that I moved my body across the stage and the voice and the articulation that I am using, it is all on autopilot because I have done the skill drills to learn how to communicate in a more dynamic and powerful way. 


Getting yourself serious about speaking right now, learning these skills right now and applying them in different areas of your business and different kinds of stages will prepare you so when you get on a stage, you're not being awkward like Ricky Bobby, Talladega Nights, and go and what I do with my hands? You will be intentional and you'll be able to be present in the power of the moment. Number two delivery skills. Reason number three, I want you to get serious about speaking on stages right now. It's going to elevate other areas in your business. I hear from so many business owners that speaking is a later kind of thing. I'll do it later. Right now I need to get clients, right now I need to focus on getting my social in order, right now I need to get my podcast, right now I need to go in with my whatever XYZ. There's always a right now or oh, I'm working on this other course right now. Or oh, there's all these different reasons if something else is more pressing now. 


Today I walk through a graphic in my workshop where I talked about how speaking actually touches all of the different aspects of your business, whether that's traffic generation, its lead conversion, its sales conversion, or it's delivering on your products or programs. Speaking is infused in all the areas of your business because you as a solopreneur, most likely. You as a business owner where you're the voice, personal brand of your business. It requires you to communicate with an audience of people. So you are already speaking to people every single day. The question is, how effective are you in doing it? So the more serious you get about speaking on a big stage, the more effective you will be speaking on the smaller micro stages. Think about it. If you prepare, let's say you work on your signature talk, or like Heather Okay, I'm ready. Let's get your signature talk ready. Let's work on your speaking skills. How much more effective do you think you will be on sales calls if you know your main messaging down and you know how to persuade the talk? More or less effective on a sales call. How much more confident you're gonna be getting out of Facebook Live if you know exactly how to speak to the direct problems, challenges of your audience and how to guide them to solution? Probably much higher. How much more confident you gonna feel about bringing your audience behind the scenes on Instagram stories or going live and prompt you with a collaborator to get more exposure about your brand leading up to your launch? How much more confident you gonna feel about going live leading up on your pre launch runway? How much more confident are you going to be on your own podcast if you knew that people were going to enjoy listening to your voice? How much more confident would you be stepping up and saying yes when a peer ask you to be on their podcast or going after a more established podcast that has your perfect ideal customer? Speaking on a stage, I want you to think about this. We're going to, the stage moment is just the eye on the prize to keep you motivated so that every single day you're showing up a little better. 


The metaphor I like to use often is running. I used to be a runner. I will again one day be a runner, so I guess I am a runner. I'm just not actively running. But I do have a goal to run a marathon by the time I'm 40. And the clock is ticking on that I know. I just had my birthday last weekend. And that means I have two years, I have two years. I'm 38 years old. I have two years to run a marathon. I've always thought like, I want to run a marathon. There's something about the goal of running a marathon which is, I don't know, maybe it sounds super, super crazy. But the more I think about it, like, that sounds terrible. 


But the analogy or metaphor I use is, what we're gonna do is we're gonna go big and we're gonna train for you to run a marathon, ie, trained to do a keynote signature talk on a big stage. Now, whether or not you ever run that marathon is honestly it's kind of a moot point. Because what happens is, when you put in the work to train to do a marathon, what it does is it makes like that running a 5k on a Tuesday, it makes it so much easier. I mean, I think right now, I'm not running right now. And if I were, I'm doing walking every morning, if I were to wake up and be like, I'm gonna run today. It'd be really easy for me to negotiate with myself and say, like, I don't actually want to go, it's raining outside. It's Portland. It's always raining outside. I could do it later, oh, and then I get out running be like, Oh, the first mile is the worst. Walk, walk, walk. I would negotiate with myself. I would negotiate myself in the idea of like, oh, I don't really want to do it. When you are training for a marathon, the 5k seems very, very easy. It's like, well, duh, I'm running the 5k because the 5k is not my goal. The marathon is my goal. It changes that vantage point and it removes that negotiation and that weirdness about that little 5k. 


Now, bringing this metaphor back into your business, I want you to think about is when you have the skills and training and the ability to speak on a bigger stage, it makes those little micro moments so less stressful and so much more effective. So doing a live stream, doing your stories, showing up on a webinar, doing interviews, leading interviews, giving interviews, all those kinds of things become easier, become less precious, that you have to be so perfect and real because you know what it's like for the bigger moment. It's going to level up your business. You're going to become a better speaker, a better PR person for your company or the voice of your business, which means hello, you got to put on your PR hat. You will become better in those aspects of your business while you become qualified to speak on a stage. Well, you're already qualified to speak of a stage but like, equipped with a toolkit to speak on a stage, right? 


Here's the thing. You have this available to you right now. You could be speaking on stages right now. The question is, is it one on your dream list? Or is it other stages that will get you towards your dream list? But if you have been thinking like I want to get on stages, really seriously ask yourself the question is, what is the timeline in the future that I'm thinking about it? And could it be happening much faster than I'm giving myself credit for? I'll call myself out here in this episode. This just came to mind. One of the things that I keep saying is I want to write a book. We talked about this when Tina Tower came on the show last year around the process of writing a book and I just want to write a book. And this is something that keeps coming up over and over again. So this is put down like okay, this is the year I'm going to get serious about writing a book in the fall or winter of this year and moving into 2023. 


When we kick the bucket on our dreams, we continue to kick the bucket on our dream. So at some point, we have to ask yourself the question, what are we doing today that will make progress towards our dreams whilst improving our current reality. And I think speaking is a beautiful way to do this. If you want to get on stages, let me help you get ready to speak on a big stage by helping you get better at speaking in all aspects of your business right now. Put in the reps, the sooner you start, the sooner you're going to get good at it and the faster you will be in that spotlight like you dream about sharing your story. 


Okay, I hope today's conversation was a nice little pep talk to get you reconnected with a desire you have. I hope that it helped validate that, it's cool that you have that dream inside. I don't think it's weird at all. I think it's awesome and you have a story that needs to be shared. And I hope that you understand that pan, okay, it isn't this distant goal. It isn't this kind of for later goal. It isn't a separate kind of thing goal. It actually is an instrumental to your success of being the voice of your brand and your business. And I'm excited to see what you do with it. 


And at the time of this it's going to be very, very short window. But if you're listening this episode when it goes live, we are enrolling right now via application for my program, Speak up to Level up which we are retooling. I am very excited. The program has been out since the fall of 2019. So we're going on our third year of the program and we're actually restructuring some things and doing a small, very small, exclusive cohort right now. If you'd like to get in, let me know just send me a direct message on Instagram @theheathersager. Say, Hey Heather, can you share with me the information for SpeakUp to Level up and we can talk about it? But we're going to do a small cohort where I'm actually going to run you live through the curriculum for 12 weeks, and then you get an additional couple months of coaching and support. And then we'll be doing another launch in the fall of this year so keep your eye out for that. But if you would like to be in this special intimate experience where you actually get more hands on time with me, you get actual coaching and you get to have some feedback. It's going to be a really fun experience, but doors are open for that it's via application only. If you want to learn more information about that, definitely send me a message on Instagram or shoot me an email heather@heather sager.com. Otherwise, we're gonna call it good for listening today. So I hope that you're inspired, I hope you're on fire and I cannot wait to see what you do with your own story. All right, friend. We'll talk soon!