Hint of Hustle with Heather Sager

5 Ways to Repurpose your Signature Talk

February 19, 2020 Heather Sager Episode 26
Hint of Hustle with Heather Sager
5 Ways to Repurpose your Signature Talk
Show Notes Transcript

You’ve probably heard that you need a signature talk if you plan to speak on a stage. It can feel a little intimidating putting together that perfect mix of inspiration, education and storytelling. But that hard work will pay off, especially when you learn to give that talk more life than the stage.

Today  I’ll explain what a signature talk is and why every business owner needs one (even if they rarely speak on stage) and share five strategies that you can use to repurpose your message.


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Speaker 1:

I'm Heather Sager and you're listening to Finding your It Factor- Episode 26. Now you've probably heard that you need a signature talk for your business. If you've never spoken on a stage or don't necessarily have plans to do it anytime soon, you might be thinking that's a heck of a lot of hoopla for a 60 minute presentation or you may be thinking, what the heck is a signature talk. Don't worry, Friend, today I've got you covered. We're talking about what it is, why every business owner need one and how to give it more life than a stage. Buckle up. We're going over to five ways to repurpose your signature talk. Here we go.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Have you ever wondered how some people just seem to have a way with words? They have this spark that lights you up when you're near them. They have the It factor and while most people think it's something that only a few are born with, I believe that you can find it so it can become your super power to grow your business. It's about you bringing your brand to life by becoming a magnetic communicator in person and on camera, showing up with confidence, authenticity, and inspiration. So are you ready to become magnetic? I thought so. I'm Heather Sager and I'd like to welcome you to Finding your It Factor.

Speaker 1:

Well, hey Friend, welcome back to another week of Finding your It Factor. I am so thrilled that you've come back for more goodness. Oh my goodness. We've had a good couple of weeks here. It got so much great feedback by my interview with Tarzan and then my chat with my friend Heather. Uh, there's some good stuff happening here and we've been on a roll. We've been talking a lot these last couple of weeks about you stepping into a spotlight in 2020 and just playing a bigger game. And one of the things that I hear a lot from, uh, from people that I work with is this idea of, Oh man, my style when it comes to speaking that I've done has height. I work and I get a talk together and I put it together. Then I give the talk and then it goes into my file on my computer and I never really come back to it. Well, if that's a, if that's you, uh, you are definitely in the right spot. And even if you've never given a talk on stage before, this is going to be really helpful today. Today's session, a little bit more advanced. Meaning I want you to be thinking ahead that if you put the time and energy into creating a signature talk, you want to make sure you get some life out of it. I mean, this online world that we live in, we talk a lot about repurposing content, creating content, repurposing content, creating content, repurposing content. If you're like me, it's a little exhausting and uh, I just, it's hard. It's hard building a lot of new content. So any way that you can squeeze more life out of what you are creating, super important. A lot of people think that the only way to repurpose a talk from a stage is if you get video, then you can maybe put it somewhere like Jasmine Star. By the way, she does a phenomenal job at this, but there's, there's more ways that you can use a talk than you could imagine. So we're going to dive into that in just a second.


Before we dive in here today, this episode is brought to you by my free upcoming masterclass. Speak with Style. I know speaking on stages has been something that you've been thinking a lot about lately. Even if the idea is scares you, I feel you're scratching your head. Go, dang, I think this is good. Something that I might want to explore. All right. I want you to start by exploring a live training with me so you can get an idea as what are the things that you need to know to show up on stages with killer confidence and walk off with a list of obsessed fans ready to work with you.

Speaker 1:

Because remember, I don't want you just to speak to feel good, although that's important. I want you to use speaking to grow your business. So during this masterclass, you're going to walk off my digital stage knowing your unique speaking persona. You're going to learn how to leverage your strengths and tap into your speaker's sweet spots that you already have. Two, you're going to learn the big speaking no, no. And how to avoid this costly mistake that even the most charismatic speakers are making. And three, you're going to learn my magnetic talk formula. This is my secret recipe that I use with my private clients I use in my own talks and I use in my Speak Up to Level Up program. It helps you create a compelling talk that converts. So I hope you'll join me. Like I said, this is time sensitive. This course, excuse me. This training is going to be happening in the week of February 24th so if you're listening to this in March, you missed the boat on this. So sorry, Friend. But if you're listening to this before, February 26 27 28 that's when the training is happening. Head on over to heathersager.com/speakwithstyle and you can find when the upcoming date and time is for the masterclass. Get in it. It's totally free. And by the way, this training is the only way that you're going to hear about my group coaching program when the doors open up, Speak Up to Level Up. So if you're interested in been thinking about wanting to get your name on to that list, this is the only way to get in. So heads up, head on over. Now let's talk about your signature talk. Now, Friend, you've been listening to this show for a while. I hope so at least, and if you hadn't, I really encourage you to go back and start with Episode 21, that's where you're going to learn a little bit around what speaking can do for your business and how to get started. Now remember on this show, I'm not teaching you how to become a keynote speaker and bring in a ton of revenue just by speaking fees or through your speaking fees. Nope. This show, while I can teach you how to negotiate a great speaking fee as I have with many of my students and clients, what I want to teach you is how do you speaking as another leg in your business to yes, bring in some more revenue. But more importantly you speaking as a platform to connect with more people, to have other people, to see you as a credible authority in your field and, and to start growing your audience and therefore your programs. So it is so important that you feel confident with what you want to talk about on stage and more important that what you want to talk about actually resonates with your audience. So let's start with what is a signature talk. This is one of those buzz phrases that's thrown out so often that we all kind of nod our heads and go, yeah, sure, that's a signature talk. It's means like a big talk. Let's actually break down what I define as a signature talk. So a signature talk is number one, a talk that you give that clearly connected to your expertise and the product and programs that you sell in your business. That's how I define a signature talk. It's also something that you can deliver. Many times it has to be something that has some structure to it. You can't just get up and speak off the cuff and then just hope that you're able to replicate it. You know there's structure to it. You know that it's repeatable, that you can do it over and over again, even if it's customized a bit. But a signature talk also has this element in that incorporates your story, your specific story, the story of how you came to be, not from back in 1980 something you were born, not that story, the story of why you do what you do now and how your audience can see themselves in your journey. So really, really important there. Well, by the way, we're going to do some more storytelling on a future episode of podcast that is on my radar. I know stories are important to you, but just so you know for a signature talk, now let's review that again. It's clearly connected to your expertise and the product and programs you sell. It's something you can deliver more than once. So it's repeatable. And three, it incorporates your story, your signature story. So why is it that I feel that every business owner needs one of these? As an entrepreneur, it's your responsibility to be the marketer in your business. I'm a firm believer that nobody can talk about the passion and reasoning for what you do better than you. Even if you're uncomfortable with selling, even if you're uncomfortable in front of groups, you are the best person to be able to talk about it. So if you can work on your communication skills, work on how you show up and communicate what it is you do and why you do it, who are going to be so much better off. See so many on entrepreneurs, so many people just in general struggle to answer the question, Hey, what do you do? We, uh, tend to hum and huh over that and, and explain things in a really complex and complicating way. And that isn't serving you at networking events. It isn't serving you at Thanksgiving when your aunt Tricia asks you what you, what you're doing these days. Like we tend to overcomplicate things. So it's so important that you have your signature talk nailed and just having your messaging nailed so that you can better communicate with people. This idea, who do you serve, how do you serve them? A signature talk explains the value behind your products and services, but it does it in a way that isn't, hello, here's my product and service and why it's so awesome. No, it lays down the track and it helps connect with people where they are and it connects the tracks to your products and services if that's something that's important to the audience. So side note, your signature talk isn't one of those sneaky sales strategies that tries to convince people into buying something they don't need. No, no bro. Like I know that's just wrong. We don't do that and nor should you. I hate people who think that way. I think we all do. We're all turned off by and that's why I think a lot of times the concept of selling from the stage has such a negative connotation. Side note, you know I've talked about this many times before. I'm not a huge fan of selling from the stage. There is a time and place like for example, if I were to host my own live event that was a free event or a low cost of it, I would expect that I would be able to sell a high ticket offer to my engaged people at that event. But if you're on a random stage, just sell and, I don't know, it just, I'm not a huge fan of it. I think there is a time and place, but what I am a big believer in is the power of relationship building and I think a stage is a great way to start building a phenomenal relationship and you really shorten that window of time for a person to become warm into your world and convert into a paying customer. Like that window. That cycle is so shortened. When you meet people in person, especially when they're on a stage, just your perception of them, your trust in them, it's just much, much higher. So going back to what I went off on a little tangent there, it's really important that you learn how to talk about what you do bigger than just the features of your programs and products. You have to talk about people and developing a signature talk helps you talk about these things in a really natural way because you do it in a way that's educational based that helps lead your people down to making a well educated decision. So it's very exciting. I get really excited about this topic and I think it's because a signature talk for me helps you. It helps you look at things from the perspective of the audience and you don't view it as marketing. You view it as education, which another side note a mistake people make us. Maybe they do a little too much teaching, which we'll talk about that later. But when you look at things from the lens of your audience, you're going to have a much more successful time connecting with your audience and fun fact, when you're presenting to a live audience and you actually have people in front of you, ah, you get real time feedback, which I know can be scary, but that feedback is so powerful and you can take that feedback and in real time adjust and get even better. What I mean by that is you can adjust your body language and your energy and your excitement and you can ask a question and if that seems overwhelming, don't worry about it. We'll gonna get there, we'll get there. But you also can think about the feedback you get, you can use to morph and make your talk better over time. So remember I teach you all of this, that magnetic talk framework. I'm going to teach that in my upcoming masterclass. So if you want to learn more about what is a signature talk, what's included in that, how does that even work? Head on over heathersager. com/speakwithstyle. I've got you covered. Don't let yourself become overwhelmed if sometimes the details are a little much, just stay present. Stay focused and say, huh, how could this work? How can I apply it? And just keep moving. Just keep moving.


So let's talk about, let's pretend for a moment you have your signature talk. Let's pace ourselves ahead and think about how are you going to be able to, once you put the talk together, how are you going to give it more legs and, and have that surface in other areas of your business. So let's go on it. I have five ways that you can repurpose your talk. So let's dive into number one. The first way that I think is so amazing and I think it surprises a lot of people. You can repurpose elements of your signature talk when you are a guest on podcasts. You're, when you're a guest on podcasts, you have to show up and answer questions and talk about things for their audience and talk about value and talk most likely about your business. So having already prepared your signature story and some core elements, like a framework around how you teach certain things.

Speaker 1:

You have a package of information that you can bring in and pepper into the podcast. Now, you don't have to teach on the podcast and you're not going to be delivering this giant big talk, but what you're going to be able to do is pull out of your pocket these little nuggets that you've already crafted and easily answer their questions and engage with the podcast host and also get the audience excited because you're going to be able to teach and inspire and connect directly with that audience b ecause you've already thought in it head thought ahead about how that information might connect with an audience and what they might need to hear before they're ready to learn. So podcasting is a great way to actually practice elements of your signature talk. A lot of my students do this and Speak Up to Level Up. They start by being a guest on podcasts. They try out their signature story or they try out certain little areas of their talk. But even after you build your talk, man, podcasting, if you want to get yourself on more podcasts this year, you want to make sure that y our dial in and your messaging and y our learning as you go. But this is a great way that you'll be able to repurpose what you've worked on i n your signature talk. Repurpose strategy number two, your webinars. Yeah, so here's the fun thing. People think that you have to have all these unique pieces of content and every time you show up on a stage, it has to be something new. Let me just, u h, let no, no, let's just, let's just cut to the chase on that one. That's not true. You do not have to have a separate talk for your webinar from your stage, from a workshop, from your p odcast. Like don't make everything different. Now also, don't repeat yourself over and over and over again by saying the exact same thing. You need to bring some freshness to it. But repetition is so important. You should always be talking about similar things. So if you sell programs, let's say through a live webinar, you can absolutely incorporate elements of your keynote into your webinar. So whether that's again your signature story. Maybe there's a part of your teaching, maybe you've developed three core areas that you want to teach on. You could weave those in as pillars on your webinar. You might have some stories that you develop for your signature talk. You can use those stories on your webinar. I don't know why I had to say it that weird. We're just going to go with it. Evidently I'm feeling super sassy today. Side note, I have a lot of side notes today too. Side note on my side note, I'm recording this on Valentine's day and I'm a little hopped up on chocolate and I have a bottle of champagne in the fridge that I'm super excited about once I get done here recording this show. So I guess you're going to get sassy Heather today, which I've heard you enjoy. So side note to the side note to the side note, if you like my randomness on these podcasts, would you please send me a note on Instagram and tell me, so I know I should do this more often and I won't edit it out. That was my random tangent. This is the real world folks.


Okay, back to it. So your webinars don't think that you have to have completely separate things. For me, my keynote presentations that I give, there are elements when it comes to speaking and stages and how people see themselves. There are elements that I use 100% in my webinars speak with style, but also in my, in my keynote talk, you're going to hear very consistent language. And that's because I don't expect people to hang on every single word that I have to say. I mean, I know you do. I couldn't even say that with a straight face. But yeah, people don't remember things. It's going to go in one ear and out the other and in different times you're going to resonate with different things. So don't assume that people are paying attention. It's okay to repeat.

Speaker 1:

So if you say something on a stage and then on your podcast, totally fine. Most likely it's going to be a different audience. So if you're already doing webinars, just know you might actually already have some elements of your signature talk, but then building a signature talk like strategically putting one together that is going to elevate your webinar so freaking much. I can't even tell you the people that were in my Speak Up to Level Up program this last round. That was one of the big things we focused on was elevating webinars and this is just such a good one. So just know when you uplevel your skills for the stage, you definitely uplevel your skills for webinar.


All right, number three. So to repurpose signature talk, you can use this information on your Facebook lives, both yours and other people's. So Facebook lives, what a good way for you to practice your message, but it's also you can take vignettes of what you teach in your signature talk and move them into Facebook lives. Then you have these amazing videos that you can use to build and grow your audience. This is such a, an underutilized area. I think people think that they have to come up with all these unique topics for Facebook lives. Guys, it's not like a ton of people are seeing your Facebook lives anyway unless you have a kajillion people in your audience and you're doing ads all the time. So play with the Facebook lives and if you're struggling with, okay, what am I going to say on a Facebook live? Think about what have you already created in terms of content. Do the same, same content, just do it in a Facebook live more ways for you to practice articulating your message. So, so good. So start trying things out in Facebook lives, but just know you're definitely going to be able to create more Facebook lives based on the pieces that you put in your signature talk.

Speaker 1:

Number four for repurposing video at more video. So a lot of people are scared of videos and I will be fully honest with you. I don't, I don't love them, I don't love them. And fun fact, right now for the first time during the podcast, I'm actually recording myself on video and I had to hide the screen showing my face cause I kept getting distracted and going down rabbit holes and my poor producer had to edit out a whole rant of me laughing at myself looking at the video. Don't ask me to keep that in because it's already gone. It's already gone. But video is so powerful. You and I both know that video is when it comes to social media and just searching things online. So I want you to imagine this, you do a signature talk. If that signature talk on a stage is recorded, well that's I mean a no brainer and you need to take pieces of that. Put it on YouTube for search capabilities, put slices on an IG TV or in your Instagram stories or on Facebook, depending on where you are in your speaking journey and the types of groups you talk to. There's probably a high chance that your talk's not going to be recorded and that's a bummer. You really want to try to get that talk recorded. But a lot of times it's just not going to work out. It does not mean that you don't have video, meaning you can create video. So if you're going to put all this time and energy into practicing for a signature talk and getting on stage, you've already done the hard work to make your brain and your mouth work together to get words into sentences and get people excited about what you have to say. Put a camera on yourself and just record it. So take a moment, use your webcam, use your iPhone, whatever camera you have. I really do recommend you use a higher quality webcam. I use a Logitech, double checking. It's a Logitech 1080P, I don't know, I'll link to it. I have people ask me all the time which webcam I use, but it's wonderful and that's what I do all my videos on are my webcam. But just open up that webcam and just do pieces of your talk so that you can use them for growing your audience. Getting content out, again on YouTube and IG TV are really, really big ones there. But if you're struggling to come up with content ideas, well you can use pieces of your signature talk for it. Now, a question that you might be thinking right now, I said gone through four out of five of these talks, as you might be thinking, well gosh, if I give all this stuff away on podcasts and webinars and Facebook lives and videos, what's going to be left for my stage talk? Okay. You know how a lot of people talk about how pretty much everything that you need to find is all available on the internet and the only reason you pay people for online courses is because they slice it, put it all together. I mean, I think there's truth to pieces of that and I think there's a big, I think there's a big thing to be said about the experience someone has when they work with you at a holistic level. So through a program, especially through a live program, but also on a stage. The energy and excitement and focus that you and an audience have together when you're live is unlike anything else. Live experiences, trump every other kind of experience in my book, chalk it up to me doing live events for years. I mean years and years and years and years. I am a huge believer of getting out from your office and getting out at an event with other people and learning together. There's just an energy that happens when you're with other people and especially in a classroom setting like that and you're learning together. So I don't want you to worry about, oh my gosh if the stuff that's on the internet is the same as on the stage, people won't see value in it. That's not true. I mean you are going to save some things just for the stage. The stage is going to bring out elements that are a little bit more showy. You might see a couple of stories just for the stage, but that holistic experience, it's going to be unique in itself when it's honest, own in front of an audience. Taking slices of a three minute IG TV or a 10 minute Facebook live video and putting the internet is not taking away any value of your live signature talk. So if that was a little thing going off in the back of your mind around like what, I'm going to give it all away, you're going to, yeah, yes, yes you are. Because you want your message to be, you want your message to be heard. You want people to get to know you, to like you, to trust you, to get excited about your content and you're going to want to have people hear your message over and over and over again because they're not going to get it the first time, at least all of it. And they're most likely not going to apply it the first time. So that repetition is a really, really beautiful thing. So I really, I'm a big believer, I'm not to get too like fufu here on your first second, but I'm a big believer of focusing on abundance, meaning focusing on, there's enough, like you have enough information, you have so much to teach and you have to trust that you're always going to have an exciting and compelling and amazing message to share with your audience in that moment. So don't worry about trying like about burning through the best stuff in your content or saving your best stuff for certain things. There's always going to be more. You're fricking amazing. The ideas you have, the way that you're getting to know your audience and who you're speaking to and who you're serving, that's evolving and growing every single day. So don't hold back. Keep putting your best stuff out there and you'll continue to get better and better. And you're going to amaze yourself like you have no idea how amazing the stuff that you'll create a year from now. You have no idea how amazing that's going to be. You have to have the trust and belief in yourself that that's coming. So if you do ever have these moments, and I say this because this was me a year ago, I was so terrified to put anything out in the world because I was like, Aw, it's the best of what I have. Could you imagine if I wouldn't have gotten started? The stuff that I'm doing now, it's, it's all evolved. Everything compiles and compounds. The more experiences you have, the more fun stuff you're going to come up with, the better stuff you're going to come up with and you'll just keep going. So when it comes to all of this stuff, operate from a place of, there's always going to be more ideas. There's always going to be more audiences. There's always going to be more opportunities for you to speak in front of people. So don't hold back. Give it everything you rock, but just make sure that you're intentional with it. Don't just word vomit all of these things on people. Make sure you're sharing the right things at the right time and don't worry, you're learning how to do that and you're doing a great job.


So after that little sermon, let's talk about the last tip I have here for re-purposing number five and that is being a guest teacher on other people's platforms. I mentioned this many times before, but I want you to think about using her signature talk in other ways. So could you be a guest on someone else's weekly show inside other course creators courses, inside of a mastermind, inside of a membership? One of my students, Sarah, she was in my last round of speak up to level up and she was working on a signature talk, really, really wanted to speak from a stage, but the opportunity presented to her was just be a guest lecturer in someone's membership. Well, Sarah had never talked on a stage before with this business. Granted, she had been a leader in a very amazing organization for 20 years, but she was making the leap to be an entrepreneur. And it was the first time that she was sharing her message as a business owner on this area, on a stage. And it happened to be a virtual. So Sarah took everything that she learned in my program and created a signature talk for this audience. Now I say this because Sarah had a different signature talk plan for the stage and she pivoted a bit and took a slightly different topic and recreated a signature talk and now in her business she has too. I got to check in with Sarah because I'm pretty sure she just had that training last week and I want to see how it went, but it was just an example around you can plan on doing a talk for a stage, but sometimes opportunities are gonna come up and you, when you have a really good framework and you have really good bones for a talk, you can easily pivot and slightly customized for another opportunity. So don't forget about that. Just know the work that you do to come up with a really good talk that works for your business and connects with your ideal audience. It's going to have a lot of legs. Just remember you have to get comfortable with this idea of repeating your message. You have to get comfortable knowing that it's okay to be repetitious. You want to be known for something and I just want you to get real comfortable with this idea that your message, your stories, your what you teach, it's going to evolve. And I see so many entrepreneurs struggling with this on the online space and I was one of those people too. I struggled a lot with my messaging. You see everybody going like, ah, I just don't know how to position my program or product or I don't know how to, uh, how to write this copy for this opt in page. I don't know. Am I speaking to the right ideal customer avatar or how many times can you fill in the blank?

Speaker 1:

I help blank do blank so that they can blank. And you come up with 65 versions of that and tweak your Instagram bio and all these things we're always figuring out is by messaging, right? Is it? Is it? Is it? Friend, let me remind you this, you get clarity in your message by taking action. And I admit that there's no better source of clarity and action than speaking your message in front of real live people so you can get that real live feedback and get better. I know it's scary. I know it's absolutely scary. Putting yourself out there and especially in a live environment can be a really uncomfortable thing, but it's like the refrigerator magnet at the airport says, life begins at the end of your comfort zone. And for me, the sheer discomfort that comes with public speaking and putting yourself up out there in front of live audiences, it is the best way to grow because you're insuring that you're uncomfortable because you're on unchartered territory. Even if you're technically comfortable in front of crowds, that live element brings a level of discomfort that's healthy. It's helping you get better. Your message is getting stronger and stronger every single day. Now it's time to get more strategic with it. I hope you enjoyed these ideas for how you can repurpose your signature talk, but I also think it probably helped your wheels turning around ways that you can repurpose other pieces of content in your business too. And I'm really curious. Will you tell me, which of these methods are you most excited about repurposing? I want you to send me, maybe just tag me on Instagram and Instagram stories and tell me, remember we talked about podcasts, webinars, Facebook lives, video like YouTube and Instagram. And we also talked about guest teaching on other people's platforms, like weekly shows in their courses, masterminds or memberships. So I'd love to know which are you the most excited about exploring. And uh, tell me where on the gram. And hey, Friend, if this episode resonated with you before you dive in to whatever other episode you have coming up next. Hopefully it's one of mine. Will you take a quick pause, scroll down to that, leave a review button on iTunes or Apple podcasts, whatever we call that app these days. And uh, will you please hit a review, just hit or hit the review button, leave a review. Those likes, subscribes, and every time you share to your audience that is life to podcasters like me. It helps me continue to show up every single week for you. And then if you are looking to become more strategic with your speaking in 2020, more develop the confidence to even step out into that spotlight. Be sure to join me at my masterclass, Speak with Style, head on over to heathersager. com/speakwithstyle and I will see you again next week.

Speaker 3:

Guys, thanks so much for listening to Finding Your It Factor and hey, if you have a talk coming up, you have to check out my free resource. It's called Nail Your Next Talk. 10 must ask questions before taking the stage so you can show up as an authority and turn that talk into future business. These are the questions that I use myself to prepare for my life talks and they're going to help you ask the right questions of the person who booked you for the event, so the meeting planner or the client, and it's going to help you serve your audience to the best way possible. It's going to help you anticipate potential tech or 80 snags. Turn the Q&A time into a strategic place for content and make this speaking opportunity, a lead generator for your business. So go get it now. What are you waiting for? It's over at heathersager.com/10questions

Speaker 2:
