Hint of Hustle with Heather Sager

Honor the Struggle: 7 Insights from my Experience with Brendon Burchard

March 04, 2020 Heather Sager Episode 28
Hint of Hustle with Heather Sager
Honor the Struggle: 7 Insights from my Experience with Brendon Burchard
Show Notes Transcript

When it comes to business (and life), the question we should continually be asking ourselves is:

Where am I going and how am I growing?

Now, I’m not shy about talking about how important personal development is to your business and I highly encourage my students and clients to invest in their development by attending live events. 

To give you a little taste of just how transformational these experiences can be, I’m sharing about my experience at Brendon Burchard’s live event, HPX (High Performance Experience). Specifically, the 7 insights that resonated most with me that I think will do the same for you.

  1. Going through the motions is the death of high performance.
  2. Evaluate your practice is not your personhood. 
  3. People at the highest level strategically release (let it go).
  4. It doesn't matter how many people say no to you, as long as you say yes to yourself.
  5. A person's gratitude for life is most demonstrated in their time at management.
  6. Bring the joy: get yourself feeling so good that other people can't knock it out of you.
  7. Honor the struggle.


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Speaker 1:

I'm Heather Sager and you're listening to Finding Your It Factor- Episode 28. Today we're talking about honoring the struggle, seven insights from my experience with Brendon Burchard at his live event, High Performance Experience this past February. I can't wait to share with you my top takeaways that I think will help rattle a little something on the insides for you to help you show up in a more magnetic way. Hope you enjoy.


Before we dive in today, this episode is brought to you by my free guide, the Entrepreneur's Roadmap, to speaking on stages. It's five steps to get you started so that you can grow your authority and your audience. It's going to help you move into action mode with the first totally doable step, even if you're terrified of public speaking. So if you've been thinking about playing a bigger game in 2020 and getting yourself out there on both those physical stages and the virtual ones, head on over to heathersager. com/5steps to get your hands on that guide right now. Now today's episode.

Speaker 2:

Have you ever wondered how some people just seem to have a way with words? They have this spark that lights you up when you're near them? They have the It factor. And while most people think it's something that only a few are born with, I believe that you can find it so it can become your super power to grow your business. It's about you bringing your brand to life by becoming a magnetic communicator in person and on camera, showing up with confidence, authenticity, and inspiration. So are you ready to become magnetic? I thought so. I'm Heather Sager and I'd like to welcome you to Finding Your It Factor.


Well, friend, welcome back to another week here on the podcast. I a m so thrilled that you are here. I know I s ay that every week, but genuinely, I hope you know how much I appreciate the fact that you l istened to this show. You have so many different podcasts, I'm sure, in your q ueue. So the fact that you keep showing up makes my heart so more and more happy. And that's why I'm so, I'm so excited to share with you today's topic. So I'm not shy about it, I talk often about my level of commitment and investment in attending conferences a nd live events. And I think, I don't think I know when I t alk to people about just how many events I go to, I think it surprises people. So give a little context, I posted on my Instagram here recently, I was at the High Performance Experience- HPX Brendon Burchard's live event. He was his 90th one but a new event. It used to be High Performance Academy. He rejigged it, completely relaunched it and the very first one was this HPX- High Performance Experience. It was phenomenal. We were down in, gosh, where were we? San Diego. I had the amazing gift of bringing my husband and we went with my sister in law. It was such an incredible experience and I can't wait to tell you about it here in just a moment, but I did an Instagram post while I was there about my focus on going to live events and I said that this was my second or third or fourth, I can't remember, event of the year and I had quite a few more to go this year. I'm pretty sure my calendar has 12 live events on it and these are events that I'm attending, not ones that I am speaking at. So that is i n addition to that and I realized that n umber's high and it surprised a lot of people in the comments and I wanted to talk a little bit about that today. So for a couple o f things. So one, if you are not attending live events in your business, Oh my goodness, we have to have a conversation about this. I'm not going to get much into the preachy like you need to go to events things cause I talked about that a lot on the podcast so far. It'll probably be a reoccurring theme that we discuss. But what I want to share with you today is, I do this. It's going to sound a little weird. I go to live events because I need the disruption to pull myself out of the daily grind and hustle and stay super focused on my vision. I know I'm sure I could sit in my office and meditate and look at the calendar and get all excited, but the reality is, which I'm sure is a little true for you too. There are, not even just distractions, there's a lot of distractions, but there's a lot of stuff to do that can fill up your day between launches and list building and serving your clients and customers and coming up with new content and recording podcasts and figuring out accounting and how to connect the do hickey to the thingamabob like, the day gets so filled and most of it's probably not even important. But what I keep finding is over time, as I keep going over and over and over again, the more that I keep my head down, I get less connected to my bigger picture goals. Whether that's my personal life vision, the big goals I have for myself personally and for my family. It's the goals that I have for my business and the impact I want to make it with this podcast and with my business. And I have to pull myself out of the day to day and constantly be stretching and thinking and putting myself in different environments to look at things in different ways. But it always comes back to the same message around where am I going? How am I growing? Where am I going and how am I growing? And it's that constant focus and attention around where I, where I'm at now. Where am I going? Where am I at now? Where am I going? I think that's what's made me, I think that's what's allowed me to, to keep going and not just keep going, but, but accelerate and kick butt at this, this business that I'm building, this podcast that we're creating as we go. And I just, I can't, uh, I can't encourage you enough to think about how you keep yourself excited and pushing forward because there are days that get, it's hard, it's hard or it's monotonous or it's, I don't even know how to describe it. We all have days, right? And what I like to think about is having that shot me arm, it works for me. Like it works for me and while I don't foresee going to on average an event every month as a longterm strategy for me, 2020 is a really, really big year where I want to step out and do some big scary things in my business. And I know you're on that path too. So for me, one of my really intentional strategies for this year was to put myself out there, like literally get out there, live in the world with other people to get to know my customers, to get to know prospects, to get to know other business owners, to understand the excitements and the challenges and struggles and the networks and not to make a sale, but because I want to completely immerse myself in this world. My old world is gone. I'm not in corporate anymore. It's been a year. I'm like fully committed. And to demonstrate that to myself and to my business, like I have to put myself out there. So for me it was, I jumped straight in the deep end and live events is the way that I knew how to do it because I've produced live events for the last decade. So the reason why I tell you all this is one I want to encourage you to think about is how are you intentionally stretching yourself to grow towards where you're headed? Not just grow in a way where you're getting uncomfortable. Like we all can get uncomfortable every single day, but are you growing with intention towards your vision? And I guess the first question is in order to recognize that, do you really know where you're headed? Do you really know and I hope so. We talk a lot about goal setting. We did that a lot at the beginning of the year when we talked about strategy and planning for 2020 but just getting present with, with what you want your business and what you want to do with your life. These are questions that I've been consistently asking myself for years and get even more intentional within the last 12 months. And what I'd like to share with you today is I had a few really big moments of clarity and calm at the HPX event and I took all of the notes like so many notes, ferocious notes. And as I was going through them here are these last few days, a few key things jumped out at me and they've stuck with me and I wanted to share them with you. So just in case you're at this point where you're needing that extra shot in the arm, or maybe you're not at a place where you can get away from the kids or get out of the business and you're seeing clients every day and eat, you don't have the ability to step out and do something different. I see you, and my hope is that with this podcast, not only, not only will I teach you how to become a more effective communicator, a more charismatic speaker and all the things we talk about, but my bigger vision and hope for this podcast is that you know, every single week that you can show up, you can listen to your girlfriend chat. That's me by the way. You can go on a run, have a cup of coffee, put on your ear buds and pretend the kids aren't screaming. Whatever you gotta do. But you know, every single week, when you show up, I'm going to bring you two things. One, I'm going to teach you something that's tangible that you're going to be able to put into action. But more importantly, I hope that I keep you connected to a bigger vision that you have for yourself. I hope that I remind you that where you are right now is awesome. It's perfectly set you up for where you're going next. Bringing grace and gratitude into our day. I think we could use a lot more of that and I hope I bring that to you and remind you to be grateful in those moments and I also hope that I encourage you to keep pushing and getting uncomfortable.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes that discomfort is going to be you stepping onto stages that you don't quite feel ready for and sometimes that discomfort is going to look like a lot of different things. It's going to be personal growth. It's going to be leadership, it's going to be getting better on your habits. We need to talk about all these things because if you truly want to show up magnetically and attract people into your world, you got to take care of yourself first and foremost. If you are not completely in alignment with who you are and how you show up, how can you expect other people to be drawn to you? So you're going to hear a lot more of this personal development type work on the show and I hope you're ready for it because this is an area that I am so passionate about working with my team when I was a leader of a large team, sitting down with people and understanding their goals and helping them push through some of the inner struggles and help them elevate to achieve goals that they didn't think was possible or that they wanted so much. That is the thing that I get so excited about. So we're going to do a lot more of that on the show. And of course along the way, we're going to talk a heck of a lot about getting better as a communicator in your business, but also in everyday life.


So what I'd love to share with you are the top takeaways that resonated most with me and like I said, pages and pages of notes, but I boiled it down to seven. We'll call them quotables seven tips, seven beliefs, seven whatever so you want to call them, that I am writing on my wall and I'll be reviewing every single day for the next 30 days. These are that powerful to me. So here we go. Number one, going through the motions is the death of high performance. Now if you're familiar with the name Brendon Burchard, he's one of the, I think he's the top personal development productivity coaches in the world. He's an inspirational speaker, coach. He's got millions of followers between Instagram and Facebook, all the things he does. He does Incredible live seminars. He's got a lot of energy. I started following him, I don't know, maybe two years ago. I caught his book High Performance Habits, loved it, got into his world a bit, started getting access to his, his content on social and have to be honest, I got a little overwhelmed because it was so much the texting and the emails and the all of the things. And after about, I dunno, three or four months, I had to like mute it. I had to ignore it because it was just so much in my face. I know now that it was a beautiful thing with timing. That I knew that I needed to put my time and energy into a few other mentors and go deeper with them and their work and life has a funny way of working it out that I happen to be attending Rise Business this last fall and Brendon Burchard was one of the speakers. He was by far my favorite speaker on that stage in terms of his ability to tell stories and capture an audience and just make it relevant. I was, I just had this moment. I sat there and I was like, I have to go to his event. I have to go to his event. I have to go to Savannah, I have to go to his event. I knew right there that I had to do it. And so High Performance, that by the way, this is all what got me here to his event. So he's a high performance coach. He has the world's largest research study on what actually goes into high performance and productivity. And this quote going through the motions is the death of high-performance. It was one of the first things he brought to the stage at the event. And it hit me like a sucker punch right in the gut because I started realizing that many times how we're showing up in our businesses and in life is it's like we're going through the motions, we're going through the motions, and even when we're happy, even when we're excited, it still feels at times like we're in a race on autopilot. And I had this moment that, Gah! I had this picture that life is sitting right in front of me and I've only living it at 60%, only 60% vibrancy, only 60% connection, only 60% of living. And I have to tell you, I had a little bit of moment where I had this immediate guilt going. I have an incredible life. Don't get me wrong here. I have an incredible life. I'm extremely blessed to have a beautiful family. I have my health. Sure there's been crap that has happened in my life that I don't wish on anyone, but I felt guilty for a second, of this idea of wanting more and then I had to coach myself out of it and go, we all deserve. We all deserve more regardless of what our situations are. It regardless of what's in front of us, we have to be okay and actually encourage each other to continue pursuing better lives. I was interested in, I had this inner work that I had to shake out for just a second, but the thing that Brendan talked about of this death of high performance, he talked about this idea. So many people are reaching for more and they're reaching through more by working on themselves and getting better with themselves and just personal development, professional development, all the things and consuming, consuming, consuming. And he said, when it comes to high performance, you've got to get specific and redesign your personal development. Make sure you're being intentional with your growth and it clicked for me is I have to ensure that what I'm choosing to spend my time on with learning, who I'm choosing to put in my earbuds for podcasts, who I'm investing in for digital courses or coaching programs, it has to be someone, number one, that I respect, someone that I admire and someone that I feel like I completely align with, and they're focused in an area of my life that matters. That to me helped me understand that if I want to get out of just going through the motions and live a more vibrant life, I have to get even more intentional around where my growth lies and I hope whatever that looks like for you is encourages you to think about the same around where in your life are you just coasting or going through the motions and what can you unlock to lean in a little harder in one specific area so you can accelerate that and bring in a little bit more. Just a little bit more. Gah! There wasn't a word there, right. I just had to make a noise, but you know what I mean, just a little bit more in your life. How do you move from just going through the motions? Because as he said, that's the death of high performance and I want to be effective in what I do so that I have more capacity to focus on the areas that matter more to me. Big takeaway number two. Oh, I have to just tell you in advance. This one was a big theme of the weekend. Here it is. Evaluate your practice, not your personhood. Let me explain what this means here. Oh, this is why this one set up so hard. Okay. You know how I talked about this at the first of the year. I'm going to get real honest and real with you. Just all the reels are coming at you right now. Remember the first of the year I talked to you in an episode that I suck at morning routines. I suck at following through with a consistent morning routine or getting on a workout program and I will get going and then something will happen like travel or sickness and I fall off the bandwagon and 2020 was the year where I was finally going to figure it out and I was publicly declaring to you that this is going to happen and you're going to hold me accountable. And I talked about my miracle mornings. I talked about waking up every morning at 4:30 or 5:00 AM and going through my routine of meditation and stretching and affirmations and personal development through reading and journaling and exercise. Yup, whole things. And I was on fire, fire for two weeks and then I got sidelined. I got so sick, so fricking six so freaking sick. And what I had said of it always happens when I'm sick. It happened and then right after sickness is just as I was starting to get my energy back, I went on a trip to an event in LA and I still wasn't feeling 100% and the days were super busy and I had really incredible roommates down there and I wanted to chat and drink champagne and I fell off the bandwagon. This is so embarrassing to tell you this cause I'm a grown ass woman that should be able to get a control over her fricking morning routine. And also why is it so hard? But I came back and I was embarrassed. I was appalled. I was like, Holy crap, I've already told all these people. Maybe if I just don't talk about it, they won't notice. And then I got a message from someone literally the next day asking, Hey, I remember you were talking about the 21 day fix program. How's it going for you with doing it? I was thinking about doing it too and I remember my cheeks got totally red and I got embarrassed and I felt the need to explain why I hadn't finished it. And it was t his very valid reason of sickness and whatever else. And the reason why I'm telling you this is because I got so hard on myself, like so hard on myself for sucking at morning routines and i dentify with this idea that I'm, I'm terrible at following through. I always, every time I get sick, like I can't push through the travel, I can't push through them, whatever I, what I had been doing was judging myself so hard and attacking myself for not doing a thing when it wasn't about me a nd my personality and to who I am at my core. My practice sucked. The thing I was trying to do, the tactic I was using that was failing. My practice o f trying to do everything A to Z every single morning. That wasn't possible for me when I was super sick, but I could change the tactic. I can change the practice. So I want you to think about this. How many times do you sit here getting so down on yourself, so berating of yourself for being a sucky m ob or O h I suck at this area of my business or I just, O h, I'm terrible on camera, or I'm just not a morning person or whatever that looks like. When instead we need to evaluate the practice, critique the skill, not the person. So for me, hearing this at that event, I have to tell you, it was so freeing because this just did. I am a critical person. I am so critical of myself. I am hard on myself. I self-evaluate, I want to get better, sure and give me the ra-ra and all the things, but tell me what to fix so I can go faster. That's how I am. That's how I am. And for me it was so hard not to criticize when something wasn't working, but what I realized was I was criticizing and evaluate the wrong things. And the reason why I tell you this is one, I hope that t here i s someone listening who's struggling with something just like I am. And then I hope, the hope is that you're not struggling. The hope is that you're hearing me and hearing me that you're not alone with this, and we all have our little things that w e'd have a hard time with. We do. And it can feel so f rustrated when there's something that seems so simple that for some reason y our grown ass adultness can't get a handle on it. Stop being hard on yourself and evaluating your personhood and check your skill. Check the practice that you're following and adjust that. Critique the skill, not the person. And I hope that you really, really h ear this one and get super present with yourself. When you have those moments where you start getting down on yourself, start judging you, start critiquing and ask yourself, is this about me or is this about what I like the thing that I'm doing. Get clear with that and I think it'll make a big difference. You know what's so funny with this now that I'm thinking about it out loud, is this is how it always goes, right? It's the things that you teach every day, you struggle to embody for yourself at times. As I just realized, there's a parallel with this is where I coach people how to be better on camera by changing their relationship with watching themselves on the camera. And I've talked about this before, this idea that when you see yourself on camera and you watch it back, you have to get out of your head as that being you. And instead you need to treat it more like a director and there's an actor or actress in the screen and you're giving them critiques to help them be the best version of themselves. But you're not critiquing them as a person. You're critiquing their talent or another talent. You're critiquing their acting skills. They're embodying emotion, their vocal tone. All the things and how they show up to be the part, You're critiquing their acting not the actor. So it's so funny cause I talk about this every day, but for some reason for myself when it comes to little things like morning routine or like working out or like not eating all the girl scout cookies in my pantry, evidently I'm the worst human on the planet according to me. So in case you find yourself doing this too, I hope that this is freeing. I hope that this is an encouraging thought for you that maybe you're a little too hard on yourself. Maybe we both are a little too hard on ourselves and it might serve us to focus on a little different aspect, which is the practice that's not working. We are working just fine. Takeaway number three, people at the highest level, strategically release. This is a beautiful one to bring in. After that last tip. People at the highest level strategically release, they let that ish go. This was a big one for me. How much baggage do we each carry in our personal lives and in our business lives? It was a failed launch. It was an email that flopped. It was a Facebook live where nobody showed up. It was a bad breakup. It was a fight with our sister. It was a"insert whatever.here." We bring all this baggage and the weight of it becomes so heavy it kills our ability to show up, has like with amazing energy that feels good to us but also becomes attractive to other people. But we're talking about this idea of becoming more magnetic. Well, I think the most magnetic version of you has the bright energy that like, you know what I mean? That positive energy where it just feels good to be around you. When we have all that baggage, that energy is muffled, like it's muffled. So the people at the highest strategic level, they intentionally release. They frozen it. They let it go, let it go, let it go, let it go. And what I mean by strategically of how Brennan described it is they get clear, they schedule time for this. They get present when they feel that baggage getting heavy and they get present with it, think about it and they release it, let it go. So thinking about, do you create the space to do this for yourself? Do you create the space to let go? Things that are bothering you and what would it, what would it feel like if you let go of that one thing you can't get off your mind, Let it go.

Speaker 1:

Take away number four. It doesn't matter how many people say no to you as long as you say yes to yourself. Oh, this is so good. This one I can't. Somebody said something that made me think about this. So I wrote this down and I put a big star next to this one This was something that I said for me and where it came from I think is Jamie Lee. I can't remember her last name. Oh, I'm so sorry. I'll link to it in the show notes. She, I'll link to her Instagram because she's super adorable and sassy and vibrant and she's totally got the It Factor guys and also she's the founder of It Factor cosmetics. So I feel like that should be, I mean there should be some kind of sync up between that, the show, right? So she just sold the company for$1.2 billion. And she took the stage to talk about her journey to getting started working out of her living room to where she is now. And Oh my gosh, did that woman face so many No's? And she talked about this idea of resiliency and it got me thinking about, Holy crap. It doesn't matter how many people say no to you as long as you say no to yourself. So this idea that you have to believe in what you're doing more than anyone else- the experts, the critics, the whoever Brittany from your high school's chemistry class, like it doesn't matter whether or not they believe in your idea. If you believe it, and you keep saying yes to you and encouraging and supporting yourself to push through all of that crap, that's all you need. It doesn't matter if anybody else says No. Brendan talked about this idea that, or no, it was Jamie. She talked about this. She talked about the idea of like the experts, of course they're gonna like think you're crazy. Because if you're working on something that's never been done before, like h ello, they don't know. They don't know. So in their expert opinion, they can't compute in their minds how i t'll work. So don't worry about people saying no to your ideas. Don't worry about people putting down your ideas or not being on board. As long as you continue to say yes to yourself, you get to keep going.


Take away number five, a person's gratitude for life is most demonstrated in their time management. Oh God, this one hurt again. And here's what's funny is I have really good time management. Actually. I do teach productivity in some areas of my business and I know how to be super productive with my time when I'm on, when I'm on. A few months ago, I've made the joke to a friend that, you know, the funny thing about business, of owning a business, as I've learned as an entrepreneur, there are two speeds, a hundred miles an hour or slough. Those are my speeds. A hundred miles an hour and I'm getting all of the things done. Or Netflix. On the couch caught up in a marathon for five days. It's happened and I don't know, it's probably happened to you too and this one here I've gotten really clear lately around, okay, I need to think about why is this happening and instead again, instead of judging me and my tendency started changing the practice. As I started unpacking this over the last few months, I've realized that, Oh my gosh, I have been trained and groomed for this juxtaposition of a hundred miles an hour versus slough mode. I've worked in events for 10 years. I thrive on deadlines. I thrive on the 11th hour things. I do so good at the big boom moment that happens in a launch or a live event or whatever else, like I live for that. That is how I've created my career. So when I switched gears into a more, more steady-ish, even keeled business where I'm creating content consistently, where I'm doing different activities consistently and sure there's launches and sure I have speaking events and live events that I'm going to, but it was more even. My brain was what is, we don't know what this is, like give us a deadline so we can get to work, like this. We're not familiar with this. This feels like we're confused. Hello, Netflix, hello girl scout cookies, all of the things a cycle. So this has been something I've been working through for the last six months and when I heard this phrase here at the event, a person's gratitude for life is most demonstrated in their time management. Something clicked for me around this correlation between getting clear on your calendar. It's a gift you can give yourself so that you can make sure that you're, you're living your life in alignment with your priorities. And I know that sounds so simple and I know that I already knew that to be true, but there was something in the context of the environment, that event that really hit home for me. And if you're a person who's been focused on starting a practice of gratitude in your life, I think this might be a really beautiful extension for you to take that gratitude and give it a bigger meaning for yourself and showing gratitude for yourself and gratitude for this incredible gift we have of the life in front of us. We have this amazing gift to show up every single day. We have the gift to see our love and we have the gift to do the work that we do. Like I don't mean to go all off on this like super ra-ra but it is a beautiful fricking thing. And when we just race and get through our days, we're throwing it away. We're throwing it away. So becoming more intentional with your time and implementing the discipline, it's truly the best gift you can give yourself. And for me, I thought it was, I don't know. I'm a little crazy with my calendar and my planning and I thought it maybe was a little OCD. So it was trying to be more relaxed with it and having this realization, what an incredible thing to know that being disciplined is a gift we can bring to ourselves so we create the capacity for life as we want it. So I hope that little note resonates with you. Takeaway number six, this is what Brendan is known for. Bring the joy and I love what he said. Get yourself feeling so good that other people can't knock it out of you. Oh my gosh, I this one put a big fricking smile so hard. It made my cheeks hurt. One of the things that I, Oh, here's one of my quirks. Let me tell you something real quick. One of my quirks. I am not, Oh gosh, it's going to sound weird here. I am just burying my soul to you today. I am not a big out loud laugher. And let me give you an example.You know how some people like something will happen and they will just belly laugh like, Oh. A nd it's like the funniest thing you've heard. It just feels good. It makes you want to laugh and you're like smiling and laughing just because they're laughing so hard. I'm not one of those people. I mean here I am, I laugh at myself and I laugh when things are funny and I have a good laugh, but like if I'm watching television, this is like, my husband is so annoyed by this. I don't laugh out loud to TV. Like it's very rare for me. I'll smile. I enjoy it. Like it's not that I don't enjoy it, I find it funny, but it doesn't make me laugh out loud. Or if I'm having fun, like when I'm laughing. Oh my gosh, I'm laughing. Like I'm thinking of so many nights, like giggling with my girlfriends or being at work events and laughing so hard that I p ee a little. Like I know not the greatest thing to do at a work e vent, but it's happened like when you've had kids, i t happens, right? So it's this idea that when I laugh, I'll laugh, but I had this moment when he said, this get feeling so good that other people can't knock it out of you. There were two things that came in. One, don't let people with a crappy attitude make yours crappy, like Nope. Second hand, bad attitude, just not a thing that I'm going to be around up like you get to control your own energy. Don't you seek excuse a t other people with bad moods make your energy down, like you control it. But number two, I had this vision that I want to laugh so hard. my face hurts every single day That thing popped in my brain. I'm like, Oh my gosh, I don't do that very often. And it made me so sad. It made me so sad and I thought about, I want to laugh so hard my face hurts. That is a goal for me. So then I had to start thinking about, Oh my gosh, what do I need to do e very day to make myself laugh so hard that my face hurts? I don't know. I don't know. I'm not naturally a person who laughs so hard that their face hurts unless I'm with, I don't know. I don't know. I have to think about this, but it got me thinking of that and that's now a very real thing that I'm thinking about, so I don't know. I don't really have a ta keaway w ith you on this one. This one was purely selfish for me, but you know, here it is. Here's the takeaway. Intentionally seek out joy in your life every single day. I think if we become more intentional of finding things that make us feel good and make us feel happy and make us laugh, our day's going to be that much brighter. The people who are around us witnessing that se condhand h appiness, that's definitely a thing. When you bring the joy, you bring that to other people and I think we all could use a little bit more of that. So think about when was the last time you la ughed s o ha rd, you peed your pants? I don't know. Could that be today? Could today be the day you we, I don't know. I don't think that was funny enough to make that happen for you, but that is my wish for you today is that in the next 24 hours, you'll laught that hard. Please report back and let me know how it goes. Okay. Takeaway number seven- another phrase that Brendan is so known for is honor the struggle. Honor the struggle, and I wanted to end on this takeaway because business is hard. Growing your business is hard. Doing it while raising a family is hard. Doing it with the ups and downs in the online space is hard. There's nothing about this is easy and accepting that I think is a gift. When you focus on, this is what Brandon talked about. He talked about that, this idea that when we find something that we don't like, that's part of a process, we begin to start dreading it. So, for example, if you hate working out, let's say you're like my husband and you hate running. You hate running, but you like the result of running and you like how your body feels after and all those things, but you're like, Oh, I just have to get into. I just have to get into the run. I hate that first mile. It's terrible. Which by the way, I say this to myself all the time. I hate the first mile. I hate the first mile, hate the first mile. But you've told yourself that you hate that part for so long like you then brewed it, you stayed miserable in it. You stay miserable in it. So what if instead you honor that struggle. You honor that that struggle is taking you to the second mile and that second mile is taking you to 10 miles a week. That that 10 miles a week is taking you to lowering your cholesterol. That that 10 miles a week has taken you to fitting in your pants a little bit better, like having a stronger heart. Any of the things of why you do running the health benefits, the physical benefits to your, um, to how you feel every day with showing up with energy. All of the things, you get that first mile and it's there for a reason because you gotta work at it a little bit. Your body is getting uncomfortable because it's growing. Honor that. I think the same thing happens in our business. There are certain things that we be grudgingly do and every time we mutter to ourselves that we hate this or we hate that. Whether that's the, you hate doing webinars, but you know live launches work. You hate speaking on stages, but you know, you've got to do it or you hate, you hate sending weekly emails, but you know, it's the thing you're supposed to do or you hate cleaning up your database or your email list or the followup on this or that. Like you hate the billing, you hate the accounting. You hate that. We have to stop hating the things. The more that we say that, the more that we gripe about it, the more misery that we're creating for ourselves. So can we make each other a commitment today that we're going to stop griping about those things and start honoring the fact that how amazing is it that we run businesses and we get to do these things? Sure. Some of the pieces are a little sucky, but embrace the suck. You've heard that a couple of weeks ago as I was talking to my friend Heather on here. Of when you embrace the hard, when you embrace it and know that something good is coming for on the other side, that suck is the price we pay for the good stuff. The fact that we get to do that, it's a gift and when you honor it, you'll notice that the energy that you bring, the energy that you bring to other people around you, it elevates.

Speaker 1:

Coming back to all of this, when you show up in a way where you honor the struggle, when you bring the joy, when you laugh so hard, you pee your pants. When you focus on being grateful for what's in front of you and you do that by organizing your time. When you let the crap go, when you strategically release and let go of your baggage, when you focus on critiquing yourself on the actions and skills you take, not the who you are at your core and you accelerate your performance by stopping this idea of just going through the motions and you start showing up for your life. By the way, I just worked through our list backwards. If you caught it, rewind, if you need to. When you start doing this, you start unlocking something on the inside that I'm going to call as like your inner tiger, that when you unleash that you become unstoppable. You become not unstoppable in this way were you gonna like push other people down. No, I mean like you become this force that other people take note of and want to be around. When you start focusing on this inner work, you start focusing on how you show up in the world, in your business and in your life, stuff like this. When you start rattling these things I'm talking about today, you start shaking off that exterior that might be holding you back from deeply connecting with your ideal customers, your ideal audience. It might even be holding you back from connecting with the people that are already in your life.


So my hope for you today is get back present with yourself and check in. Are you totally happy and excited and enthusiastic for how you're showing up in life right now? And if not, maybe these seven takeaways that resonated in my heart from HPX live. I hope that they will unlock something in you where maybe you could show up just a little extra for yourself today and hopefully bring a little of that magic to your audience. Thank you so much, friend for joining in today's episode. I would love to hear from you what your favorite takeaway was from today. Please don't tell me it was pee your pants every day. Like if actually if you do tell me that, I'll laugh, but don't tell me that. Tell me the thing that you're going to take in and actually even better. Would you post this on Instagram and tag me@theheathersager and on that post tell me the thing that you are committing to moving forward when it comes to adding a little bit more like, O oh, yeah, that's how we're going to describe it in your life. I appreciate you so much and I can't wait to see you again next week. Same time, same place.

Speaker 2:

Guys, thanks so much for listening to Finding Your It factor and Hey, if you have a talk coming up, you have to check out my free resource. It's called Nail Your Next Talk. 10 must ask questions before taking the stage so you can show up as an authority and turn that talk into future business. These are the questions that I use myself to prepare for my life talks and they're going to help you ask the right questions of the person who booked you for the event, so the meeting planner or the client and it's going to help you serve your audience to the best way possible. It's going to help you anticipate potential tech or 80 snags. Turn the Q&A time into a strategic place for content and make this speaking opportunity, a lead generator for your business. So go get it now. What are you waiting for? It's over at heathersager. com/10questions