The Ramble Refinery with Heather Sager
You can’t spell message without mess—because big ideas don’t show up fully formed. They start rough, unrefined, and a little all over the place. But that’s not a problem, it’s part of the process.
The best speakers, thought leaders, and business owners don’t wait for the perfect message—they refine it by showing up, sharing, and shaping their ideas in real time.
That’s what The Ramble Refinery is all about.
Welcome to the place where we normalize the messy middle of speaking, marketing, and business growth. Whether you’re leading workshops, speaking on stages, or showing up on podcasts, your voice isn’t just a marketing tool—it’s your most valuable business asset.
Hosted by Heather Sager, a speaking coach and business strategist who helps experts get their ideas out of their heads and into the world, this podcast dives into the raw, unpolished side of refining your message, using your voice, and growing your impact.
Because every great message starts as a mess—so get ready to ramble.
The Ramble Refinery with Heather Sager
My G.O.O.D Plan for 2024
I’m wired for goal setting. Chasing that next mountain top of ambition is in my DNA. But when the ball dropped into 2024 and everyone else was hunkering down, massive year on the wall calendars and color coded post-its in hand, I felt ZERO ambition for planning.
But what I did feel was a desire to get quiet and reconnect with something I didn’t know I needed which led to an entirely new way (for me) of goal setting.
So in today’s episode I’m sharing with you my G.O.O.D Plan for the year (along with a pretty epic story) . I hope this episode gives you the space you need to gut check your goals and live out 2024 at your best.
Tune in and hear:
- Why changing your goals isn’t a bad thing
- What to ask yourself to ensure your goals are truly YOURS
- How to set your baseline for showing up at your best
- What exactly is the G.O.O.D Plan?
- Plus my EPIC birth story that will leave you with laughing tears
🔗 Grab the latest FREE resources: https://heathersager.com/start
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This is something that I do every single year. I set goals, it doesn't matter what process I go through. I always set these romanticized honeymoon goals where it's like, oh, everything sounds so great because it's the new year and then reality sets in and things start adapting and you change your goals. Now, what I'm not saying is I don't downsize my goals because I get a little bit of the year and realize, oh, they're not possible, so I don't make my goals smaller. What I'm saying is all actually decide that there are other things that I value more, and then I set goals on that.
Speaker 1:This is the podcast for the entrepreneur who wants to make a big impact, who doesn't shy away from hard work but also wants to enjoy life along the way. Hi, I'm Heather Sager, former executive turned entrepreneur, and I've spent the last 20 years working with premium brands on sales, marketing and communication, and I've learned that when you become a magnet with your message, you only need a hint of hustle to achieve your goals. Get ready to be inspired and ignited each week with tangible strategies on sales, speaking, marketing and so much more. This is the hint of hustle podcast. Let's go Well, hey friend. Welcome back to our first solo episode of 2020, for the first solo episode I am recording since I had a baby. I'm so happy to be back. I'm not gonna lie, I have resisted recording a solo episode because I feel like my brain is a little discombobulated and words are hard and my sentences still are not forming in their entirety. But also, if I'm being real honest, I that's just how I normally talk, so it's just an excuse. I wanted to figure out what was the right topic for me to come back with in a big way, and I had to release the idea that I needed to be something big and epic and, I don't know, super introspective. And so here we are today. I hope you've enjoyed the last couple episodes. If you have missed them, please, after this, go back and listen Last week's episode.
Speaker 1:I have received so much feedback that y'all apparently loved the coaching format. Just spoiler alert if you're not inside my membership, the Speaker Society. That's what we do every single month. I coach people. I am a damn good coach and in that episode you got a little part of Heather coaching, a little part of Heather consulting. Consulting is more of where I'm telling hey, this is what to do, versus coaching. It's questions to unearth you determining what you should do, but I do both inside the Speaker Society membership. More on that down the road on a future episode. I'm actually going to talk a little bit more about the Speaker Society here very soon.
Speaker 1:However, what I wanted to share is if you want to hear more coaching, we should do more of it. So reach out on Instagram If you think that would be something of more you'd like more of. We don't have to do more topic determination coaching, but there's some other things that we can do, whether it's helping you nail down what do you want to be known for, what's the niche you want to really create your business around? Is it? What is your signature speaking topic? If you're trying to nail down your story, we can also find and do some coaching. You're on the show is my point, so coaching and consulting it is probably my most favorite thing to do, so I would love to bring more of that to the show. So I hope you enjoyed that. Check that one out. Also, my interview with Sarah, my copywriter from 2023. That was a fun debriefing episode. But here we are. What's the focus of today's topic?
Speaker 1:I wanted to share with you just where I'm at in my headspace right now and what my plan is for 2024. I know I missed the whole boat of all of the word of the year and debriefing 2023 and setting the tone for 2024. And I've done episodes like that every single year. I did not this year for I mean relatively obvious reasons. I was preoccupied. However, my approach to how I'm tackling 2024 is different than any other year in my business. I am on year six, seven, six, six, six. I think. I'm in year six of my business and every year I have done the whole. Had it last year ago. What's the plan for this year? And I've attempted the whole word of the year, theme of the year and for me personally it has not stuck. Now the annual planning there's great things about it. There's ways that I do do annual planning more strategically in my business. I'm not really talking about a business plan. I'm talking about my general operating outlook.
Speaker 1:As the CEO in my business and also the CEO of my life, I'm kind of switching things up. If you've been around for a while, you will know by now I am a huge goal setting, living with intention style person. I have been for my entire life, but particularly the last 20 years. I am very, very intentional about my goal setting, designing my life plan. Yep, my life plan.
Speaker 1:Years ago, I was sitting, 2019, my husband's gift to me was please go away for the weekend by yourself, because I love alone time more than anything else. That's the only thing I wanted. He thinks I'm weird, but I wanted to be alone for the entire weekend. I went to our extended family's beach house on the coast of Oregon. Yeah, bougie, there's a beach house in my husband's family. It's wonderful. It's tiny little. It's not like a, it's not anything. It's tiny, tiny little house on a cliff. I went there years ago and I listened to Michael Hyatt and other guy. It's written with Harkabee, harkabee, daniel Harkabee I want to say Harkabee, I can't remember. He's based in Portland. I should know his name. I'll link the book in the show notes here, but it's called Living Forward and that book was so transformational for you. Actually, I'm getting notifications here.
Speaker 1:You get your, you write out your eulogy around how you want to be remembered and then you start designing what you want your life to look like 10, 20, 30 years down the road and you work backwards. Anyways, that's the extreme of how intentional I am living my life. But even still in the intentional piece. Every year when I sit down to create goals, my goals always morph. I don't know if this happens to you, but I am not the kind of person that sits down like their clean list of 10 goals. Every year I changed my goals probably 90 days into the year never fails, and I don't think that that's a bad thing. I am really good at just listening to listening to what I I'm gonna how do I phrase this? I'm good at coming back and questioning my goals to ask myself the question of did this goal really matter? Or was I in a honeymoon stage where I set this goal because it sounded good for whatever I was Dreaming up at the time? But it actually is an anchor it into something that I highly valuable in my life. I Hope that makes sense, but I'm sure this happens to you too.
Speaker 1:I'll use a business Analogy here. That happens a lot. A lot of people talk about how there's this sweeping goal that you have a Revenue goal in your business. Let's say that revenue goal is a seven figure business, or actually one that I'm seeing a lot lately is people saying I want to hit a half a million dollars this year. If I hit that five hundred thousand dollars in revenue then then that's gonna be the indication that I had a huge leap year. I already is a leap year I, but I had a huge transformational year. Like that would indicate to me that I have made it now. Just two years ago, that number, people wouldn't even say that they would had to be a million, because that was the mecca of what you Were supposed to aspire to.
Speaker 1:But more and more people are realizing that that's not really the goal. Right, it looks good on paper. People are more detached from that and they're choosing goals that actually matter more. This is something that I do every single year. I set goals. It doesn't matter what process I go through. I always set these romanticized, like I'm just gonna call them like honeymoon goals, where it's like who? Everything sounds so great because it's the new year and then reality sets in and Things start adapting and you change your goals. Now what I'm not saying is I don't downsize my goals because I get a little bit of the year and realize who. They're not possible, so I don't make my goals smaller. What I'm saying is all actually decide that there are other things that I value more and then I set goals on that. Why am I okay? Why am I sharing all this with you? This really wasn't a goal setting episode, but I'm giving you some context around.
Speaker 1:I Wanted to start this year differently than I ever, ever have before, and clearly I am because I'm starting this year with a brand new baby. I turned 40 in less than two weeks. When this episode airs, I I wish side note, we're gonna have to have a conversation about that because all holy crap, I am turning 40 and that feels both amazing and Weird, like I don't feel like a grown-up. I do feel like a grown-up but I don't feel like a grown-up. Anyways, save that for a future episode. Anyways, coming into this year, I didn't have my normal annual closeout. I didn't have my normal like I.
Speaker 1:I have clarity around what I want this year to be because, because, because of what happened in the fall of, I was pregnant, right, I was running a program. I got a huge health scare. I had to deliver the baby early. He was in the NICU side. No, I haven't, okay, I haven't shared the story yet of what happened. I'm not one of those people that's gonna like publicize my birth story, which, if that's, you know no thing around that, but I don't need to. I don't really need to share that. However, I do actually need to share. I need to share this one thing Okay, james is going to kill me. James is my husband, all right, y'all Fun, fun thing.
Speaker 1:So the baby came right. I had to get induced because of the coalesce stasis diagnosis that I had. If you want to listen back to that, I think I talked about it in one of the episode introductions. If if I did link to the episode. If I didn't, I think I talked about on my Instagram. But regardless, health scare, baby had to get out. We had to evict the baby earlier for the safety of the baby and for myself. So we go in the hospital and get induced. Baby is clearly not ready to come.
Speaker 1:I Won't share all of the pieces here, but essentially we wait around, wait around, wait around, wait around forever and then everything happens in the span of, I'm gonna say, 43 minutes, including my epidural no longer working, including I. Just a lot of things. A lot of things happened and Once it was like go time, this baby was out in less than nine minutes, like once it was go time, this baby was out in less than nine minutes was like flying to the world. But that's not the crazy thing. The crazy thing was six and a half minutes into that nine minutes, like terrorist strike that was happening on my lady bits because, again, epidural didn't work anymore.
Speaker 1:All of a sudden I'm like in an epic push and I hear the loudest crash, bang, all hail, earthquake, happen, and I open my eyes and James is gone. As in, james blacked out, hit the table next to my desk, hit his head on the cabinet next to my bedside, out cold on the floor while I'm crowning. I just like a movie. So everyone goes quiet and like this is like in a fraction of a second, all of our eyes turn towards him. But I'm like, did that just happen? Did he just fall? What the hell has happened? So then, because he's out cold, they push the alert buttons, which they would typically do if a patient is coding. So this entire code team's come running into my birthing unit, y'all. I'm crowning, I am crowning and this whole team comes in to scoop him off the floor and make sure he's okay. Oh my gosh, it was insane.
Speaker 1:So that push like pauses. I have like two minutes to breathe for a second and I'm like, holy shit, are you okay? So he plays off, totally plays it off, picks himself up off the floor, gets back next to me and tries to tell everyone he's totally fine. And they're looking. I am like what the hell? You're not totally fine, you hit your head. You need to go to the emergency room. He's like no, no, I'm cool, I'm cool. So they're covering him with like cold ice chips and washcloths. Let me just say that again, I'm the one pushing at a human and they are covering him in cool washcloths and ice chips as I am pushing a baby sans medication out of my lady hole and baby makes it out again.
Speaker 1:90 seconds after this whole epic thing happens, baby comes out and in all of the commotion where he steals the show, everyone seemed to forgot that it was a surprise gender reveal and nobody tells me what the baby is. So the baby's laying face down on me as they're wiping baby off. So I'm like, well, what the hell is it? So I reach over and like turn the baby around to see and I just remember screaming it's another penis. Anyways, I haven't shared that story yet. I've been dying to tell you all about it, but that's what happened Fast forward, like he, my husband was able to cut the cord.
Speaker 1:Then they had to take him via wheelchair to the emergency room and within four minutes they realized that baby wasn't breathing and they had to take him to the NICU. So that funny moment of literally I was laughing of what the hell just happened. It was paired with some of the scariest stuff where, literally, husband wheeled out, baby wheeled out, I have no epidural on my lady bits. However, my feet are entirely numb so I can't walk. So I am left in my hospital bed Pretty much by myself trying to figure it out. Well, like as they're navigating everything with me. Anyways, I share all that because what? It was a very crazy, a crazy birth story, but that was the let's see. That was right before Thanksgiving, us time, and then we were able to make it home for the NICU right in time for Thanksgiving went straight into the month of December and do the holidays. I just have to laugh because, seriously, the story just did same.
Speaker 1:Anyways, I share all this because I clearly was not in the headspace to do any kind of strategic planning Y'all. I had blown up my program last year. I had all the changes right. I talked about this two episodes ago with my team, with Sarah, I was not in the headspace to make any smart strategic plans for 2024. So here I am in the New Year's. After Christmas hits, I'm starting to feel this sense of wanting to plan again. I'm seeing everyone talk about the new year, the word of the year, all these things. I find myself wanting to open up some books and I started jumping back into a program I'm in, participating in some of the annual planning conversations just to get my brain moving, and it was over the course of a few weeks where I finally settled into.
Speaker 1:For me this year, it isn't about a very specific picture that I have in terms of goals accomplished or business size or number of people I have served, or snapping my body back into shape. More on that later. It wasn't like there wasn't these screaming things or accomplishments that usually come to mind for me. Instead, all I kept hearing was this sense of feeling that I was after that 2024 for me was about a feeling and I'm like what the hell does that mean? So I kept exploring it a bit more.
Speaker 1:I'm trying to get better about allowing my brain just to have some space to think, turning off the music, turning off guided medication. Guided medication, which is kind of like medication. Guided medication meditation holy shit, that is so hard. I warned you. I warned you. My words were hard today. Guided meditation turned off pretty much any inputs and just let myself have some space to think. And what I kept coming back to whether I was going through.
Speaker 1:One of the exercises I did was core value exercises. Have you ever done this before? I love going through and identifying what's important to me, what drives me, what is the indicator that I'm in my truest, best version of myself. So I went through some core value exercises. I went through some journaling exercises, some exercises of gratitude. I did reflection back, look back exercises, and what I mean by that is. I said OK, the memories in my life, what stands out about them the most? And what I did was I ended up coming up with these words, these thematic words that kept saying when you're at your best, this is how you are. And I asked myself the question of what if, instead of chasing a big goal, this year, I was focused on a feeling, and what I'm about to say is going to sound so stupidly simple? You might question whether you want to listen to me anymore or you might think this is very profound.
Speaker 1:The word good kept coming up. I want to feel good, I want to make good choices, I want to be good, and by good I don't mean like right or wrong good. I meant like this feeling of not crazy over the top excitement, or like the really, really highs of highs, but this feeling of contentment that feels good. And, to take it a step further, as a manufacturer in human design, my anchor is feeling peace. I need to feel peace. So this word good kept coming up for me and what I decided to do for 2024, for me, that guiding principle of making good choices and feeling good and establishing like a state of being good. That became my baseline. And because I am so extra, I couldn't leave it there and I needed to find it more. I needed something to come back to. So I started looking through those core values that kept jumping out to me and, of course, I made an acronym for good, which really has, over the last six to seven weeks since I did this, this has become such a positive anchor for me in so many decisions I have made and how I live, literally every single day, of how I show up. I'm going to read to you what it is so good is an acronym. It stands for generous, open, optimistic and daring. Now, these are core values for me, or just traits for me that are so, so important for me feeling like I am at my best and for me showing up at my best. So generosity has been something. This is where I got out of my lookbacks.
Speaker 1:When I was thinking about my biggest, most instrumental stories of my childhood and my formative years. Generosity was the word that kept coming up. My sisters and I were talking about this recently. We're approaching the anniversary of our mom's death. She passed away in 2002. So we're on the 22 anniversary of that here in just about a week, week and a half, and one of the things we all every one of my family got from my mom is the spirit of generosity. My mother was contributing to pretty much any charity project possible. She was always constantly cooking for others, helping others, serving others. She was always the first one to step in and she taught us to always have a heart of service and generosity and I'm not going to lie, in my 20s and 30s it was.
Speaker 1:I did that in different ways. I did service through my message and showing up in my speaking, but in my personal life and other ways, I think I got maybe a little too selfish Selfish on my own high and my own success, which I think all of us do, especially in our 20s. It just happens that way we become a lot more self-focused. But I realized that generosity was something that always one make me feel good, but it, too, always impacted immediately, immediately, my feelings and how I showed up for others. So I wanted to bring that into 2024. So I wanted to bring that into 2024.
Speaker 1:So one of the things that I'm really focused on this year is how can I be more generous. More generous with my compliments, more generous with my information, more generous with my connections. More generous with sharing vulnerabilities. More generous with giving shit away by Assistant Dorothy and I we're just joking that we have made more lead, magazines and free resources in the last two months than we have it had in the last two years. Generosity that is my first anchor for 2024 is just focused on how can I be generous? Yeah, it's a lot of different ways. One of my favorite elements of generosity that I'm focused on is generosity, as I mentioned, through compliments. Say the nice thing If you think it. Say it the good stuff, right? Oh, the first O is being open. This one's really, really important to me being open, open to new opportunities, open to connections, open to ideas, open to changing the decisions I've already made. Being open is something that is so, so important. I didn't realize until I went through this process over the last couple of months how closed I had become Vulnerable share here Because of how 2022 went for me.
Speaker 1:It was an incredible year, incredible year, where unexpectedly, I ended up getting into a business partnership that I loved, it felt great, until we realized this was not the direction we wanted to go. Now, in 2023, I did not realize that that decision to go into a partnership and then come out of a partnership, no matter how positive that was for both of us and how excited we both feel in what we're doing now and how supportive we are of one another I realized that in 2022, because of that open and then end, I closed off the idea of any kind of connection with people. I became highly skeptical and I hunkered down and went into self-preservation mode and that didn't feel good. It didn't feel right, and what I realized is I cut off the idea of chit-chats with people. I was no longer physically meeting with people in person because we moved across the state and I hadn't made friends here yet. I found myself being very closed off, and that closed off to people led to also being closed off of generating ideas, so that was kind of choking me in a bit. So being generous was the start. Staying open was the next step, which leads me to the third.
Speaker 1:For me, when I am at my best is I am looking at things through an optimistic lens Generous, open, optimistic. I know that in order for me to feel good, for me to be at peace, I need to be looking at things optimistically. Now I do an incredible job of doing this for my clients, always pointing out the good, always leading back to what's the lesson, what's the gifts, how is this moment gifting you something that you need for where you're going next? But I have to be honest. I am just like anyone. My default setting is to criticize myself, and that's not going to get me anywhere. So I need you to be really intentional of saying how can I focus on the good, how can I be more optimistic in my lens of the world, my lens of the solutions, my lens of myself, because that is the only way that I'm going to feel more peace. Which brings me to the last piece daring. I know I need to take a little bit more risks, and those risks aren't anything crazy and outlandish.
Speaker 1:Being more daring is me being more open about sharing how I'm doing and what I'm doing which is a little bit of what I'm doing to this episode. Being more daring is me stepping out of my comfort zone and networking more, which might sound super silly to me, you, but I am a hermit y'all. I, like I said, I closed off last year. I did not do any kind of like chit, chat, networking building. It was hunkered down. I had to survive. The last year there was a lot and I in that open. For me to be fully open and really connect and build relationships, that requires me to be brave and a little bit more daring. Being daring is retooling my programs.
Speaker 1:Being daring is some decisions I have made in the last couple of weeks that I am very excited to share with you, but I am not ready to share yet. Being daring is for me to stop doing things that aren't serving me and start doing the things that I want to do, without fear of what you might think of me, without fear of what others might think of me. Being generous, being open, being optimistic, being daring these are my, this is my compass for 2024, because all of it my goal this year is I want to feel proud of how I show up every single day. That is my vision for 2024. And the outcome of that I mean yes, I would like to make money this year. Yes, I have some financial goals. I still would like to sell our house back in Westland, which, at the time of this recording, still hasn't happened yet, but I trust that it will. I would love to buy a new car. My car is really really not doing great, but I'm not ready to buy a new one yet, but I have a vision of what I want. I want to take my kids to Disneyland this year. We are going to Cabo in November for a mastermind that I'm in and I'm going to bring the whole family. There are definitely things that I would like to accomplish this year, but none of that matters if I don't feel good. So how I'm going to get there?
Speaker 1:My baseline is saying how can I bring myself my best self to this day? How can I bring good to this day and every night when I look back and I think about my day. It's not that every moment is perfect. I mean, I'm a mom. I lose my shit on my kids. I definitely ate way too many Costco cookies. Last night, I made a lot, of, a lot of maybe not so great choices and I'm focusing on not focusing on those and saying, but did I show up today at some element? At my best, did I give my best somewhere? And as long as my best version of me this generous, open, optimistic and daring version of me, as long as she has made an appearance in the day, I am good, and it's from that way of being that I am super confident that this year is going to be epic. It's going to be awesome.
Speaker 1:I actually have I'll just share with you I have made a really huge decision in the last seven days that I am more confident about than any other decision I have made in my business in the last five years, and it is going to change what I am doing. It is going to change the existing structure that I just announced like a month ago, which I had recorded that earlier, but I'm going to be shifting some things around. I am making some big decisions without worry of what others will think, because I feel super confident in where I'm going and this confidence comes, I mean, super elusive right now. So sorry about that, I'll tell you. I'm going to tell you very, very soon. But I'm making a change to my program. I'm making a significant change to how I structure my two programs, which I know. I'll just tell you this. You're probably going with the hell, heather, you just literally announced that you just retooled your programs. I know, I know, and don't worry, it's still. The signature talk accelerator is not going away, it's still here. I'm just rejigging my offer. That's all I can say right now. That's all I can say right now without totally and epically confusing everyone and myself. So just know it's going to be coming back to you within the next two weeks around what that looks like and why. But I just wanted to share with you, if OK.
Speaker 1:So here we are, the time this episode airs. It was airing on leap year day. February 29th is when this is coming out. Do you have a bonus day of this year? This day right now is a gift, it is a bonus, it is extra, and I want you to think through. You have two months that have already tickered down this year and you have 10 months left.
Speaker 1:How are you feeling right now, when you rip back back on your year, if you were to look at a thermometer and let's actually like a balance scale. I want you to think of a balance scale right now. We're on the right side of the balance scale is like positive thoughts, and the left side of the balance scale is negative thoughts. If you were to look at that balance scale, how would you wait these first two months of the year? Are you looking back and saying, oh man, this is awesome. Is the awesome perspective outweighing the negative perspective? Looking back more and more business owners that I talked to we have a tendency when we look back, we focus on the negative. That negative side of the balance scale is just heavier, it is more prevailing than anything else, and I want to challenge you in this moment to ask yourself how do you want to view the next two months? It's really easy when we look at the future to be optimistic, but it's easier to look at the past and be pessimistic, to berate ourselves, to say what we didn't do, and my challenge for you right now is, as you approach today, tomorrow, next week, next month, as this next chapter in your year.
Speaker 1:What is the baseline that you need to set for yourself so that you show up as the best version of yourself at least once a day? It's not in every moment, but that best version of you needs to peep through at least once every day. Do you know what that best version of yourself is? Do you know what the truest part of yourself is, the one that feels most confident, the most at peace, the one that feels good? What is your version of good? That is what I want to leave you with.
Speaker 1:Today, we went on a journey from my lady bits to my elusive. What is Heather doing next? You never know, y'all. I'm a manifestor. I don't know where these ideas come from, but I know that when I bring them to the world, they are epic, they are awesome and they change my world and the world for those in my universe. So I'm very excited to share what's to come in this lane. Next week we have another really good episode. I do have, I promise, some great interviews this year. I haven't had a chance with Baby Schedule to record interviews, so I'm doing the solo shows here for a hot minute, but there will be some really great episodes coming that will be interviews.
Speaker 1:Stick around, my friend and hey, can I ask a big fat favor If you have not left a review for the podcast, can this be the gift? I mean? You didn't get me a baby gift, so can you just give me a little podcast review gift? Just kidding, please, please, review the podcast. It really would be the world Five Star Review. Leave some copy, leave some text in there. That is how others make the determination of should I stick with this show. You all know peer reviews are the most important, so please take a moment, leave a review to me. It would lean the world to me and it's on that note. I've got to go check on the baby because he is napping and I will see you on the next episode. Bye, friend, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Well, thanks for listening to another episode of a hint of hustle podcast. That flew right by, didn't it, gosh? I hope I didn't say anything super embarrassing today, but if I did, it's pretty much on brand.
Speaker 1:If you loved today's episode, be sure to scroll on down wherever you're listening from. And if you haven't yet left a review. It would mean the world. Hit those five stars. Tell other people who are prospecting podcasts how awesome this show is. Give us a little love. We would appreciate that. And hey, if you're hungry for more of what we do here on this show, you can peruse all of the past episodes, grab the show notes and find out the latest free resources to help you get seen, heard and paid for sharing your expertise. Head on over to heathersakercom. You can also grab the link wherever you're listening to this episode, and we'll see you in the next one.